Santa Cruz Public Libraries

Community Information Database

Agencies by Subject: Foster Home Placement
There are 2 agencies in this list.

Santa Cruz County Probation Department

The Probation Department operates as an arm of the Court and is responsible for services required by the Adult and Juvenile Courts. The department is divided into three divisions: Adult, Juvenile, and Institutions (Juvenile Hall)....[Full Record]
Address: PO Box: 1812
Santa Cruz,  CA  95061
Phone: 831-454-2150

Uplift Family Services

EMQ FamiliesFirst takes a state-of-the-art approach to children and youth with complex behavioral health challenges: we combine research-based behavioral health services (including evidence-based therapies and psychiatric services) with a family-centered effort to identify and address the ...[Full Record]
Address: 251 Llewellyn Ave.
Campbell,  CA  95008
Phone: 408-379-3790