Santa Cruz Public Libraries

Community Information Database

People First of Santa Cruz County

General Agency Information
Name: People First of Santa Cruz County
Alternate Name(s): Santa Cruz Free Guide
Address: PO Box: 7120
Santa Cruz,  CA  95061
Contact Information
Primary Phone: 831-325-2699
Description: People First provides quick single sheets designed to be printed easily, folded and distributed without excessive expense, to people who might need them; especially people experiencing homelessness.

The list of resources include meals, showers, access to public restrooms and related services.
Mission: To ensure housing for all by uniting the community, forming partnerships, inspiring advocacy and providing services.
Languages other than English: Spanish
Accommodations for Disabled Persons: Varies Depending on Location
Public Transportation: Varies
Eligibility: Open to All
Fees: None
Areas Served: Santa Cruz County
Subject Headings
Subject Headings: Bathing Facilities
Emergency Shelter
Information and Referral
Public Restrooms
This agency was last updated on May 21, 2024.