Santa Cruz Public Libraries

Community Information Database

Senior Outreach Program

General Agency Information
Name: Senior Outreach Program
Address: 104 Walnut Ave., Suite 208
Santa Cruz,  CA  95060
Driving Directions
Contact Information
Primary Phone: 831-459-9351  Ext: 206
Secondary Phone: 831-728-9009
Fax: 831-423-1532
Days/Hours of Operation: By Appointment
Description: Some people find it difficult to get to office appointments due to age or disability. Our peer counselors help older adults maintain both their independence and a higher quality of life by visiting them in their homes. We offer help with depression, anxiety, bereavements, illness, and family problems at no cost in both English and Spanish.

Ayuda a los ancianos a mantener su independencia y a superar transiciones de la tercera edad para desarrollar una vida de mayor calidad en esta etapa. Los consejeros son voluntarios entrenados que visitan a sus clientes en la comodidad de su hogar y asi o ayudarles a combatir y superar la depresion, la ansiedad, el dolor por la muerte de un ser querido, la enfermedad y los problemas familiares.

ELIGIBILITY: Age 55 and over
Mission: To empower older adults to maintain their independence by working through the transitions of aging to develop a higher quality of life.
Volunteer Info: Volunteers complete an extensive training program and provide individual counseling to people in their homes. Volunteers learn active listening skills and issues of aging.
Languages other than English: Spanish
Accommodations for Disabled Persons: Parking & Wheelchair Access
Public Transportation: Available Within Four Blocks
Eligibility: See Description Notes
Fees: None
Areas Served: Santa Cruz County
Physical Location: Santa Cruz
Officials/Contact Persons
Officials: Dolores Ledesma
Subject Headings
Subject Headings: Bereavement Counseling
Group Counseling
Individual Counseling
Mental Health Care and Counseling
Mutual Support Groups
Older Adults
Peer Counseling
Personal Enrichment
Private Nonprofits
Volunteer Opportunities
This agency was last updated on April 6, 2020.