1982 November 2nd - General Election
Measure |
Title |
Result |
Jobs with Peace Initiative |
Approved |
Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax |
Failed |
Time-Share Interest Tax |
Failed |
Camping Facility Use Tax |
Failed |
Loan |
Approved |
Special Tax |
Failed |
Special Tax |
Failed |
Measure A
County of Santa Cruz
Jobs with Peace Initiative
Shall the County of Santa Cruz demand that the Federal government cease its inflationary policy of steadily increasing the military budget, and that it redirect our tax money to improving our domestic economy through support for badly needed jobs and services, thereby creating jobs with peace?
[Full text for measure A]
Votes yes: 40389
Votes no: 33242
Measure B
County of Santa Cruz
Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax
For the purpose of storm damage repair, preventive maintenance, construction and safety improvements on local City and County public roads, shall the County of Santa Cruz levy a Countywide motor vehicle fuel tax of 2 cents gallon 2 cents per 100 cubic feet of compressed natural gas (used as motor fuel) for five years beginning March 31, 1983, through March 31, 1988?
[Full text for measure B]
(2/3 majority required)
Votes yes: 33923
Votes no: 41086
Measure C
County of Santa Cruz
Time-Share Interest Tax
Shall the County of Santa Cruz be authorized to impose a Special Tax on Time-Share Interests in the unincorporated portion of the County of Santa Cruz at the rate of eight percent (8%) of the rental value of the premises for the period of the Time-Share Interest, all as specified in County Ordinance No. 3280?
[Full text for measure C]
(2/3 majority required)
Votes yes: 14700
Votes no: 23944
Measure D
County of Santa Cruz
Camping Facility Use Tax
Shall the County of Santa Cruz be authorized to impose a Special Tax on Camping Facility use (excluding organized camps) in the unincorporated portion of the County of Santa Cruz at the rate of eight percent (8%) of the rent charged for use of a camping facility, all as specified in County Ordinance No. 3281?
[Full text for measure D]
(2/3 majority required)
Votes yes: 21250
Votes no: 19350
Measure E
Davenport County Sanitation District
Shall the Davenport County Sanitation District be authorized to enter into a loan contract with the California State Department of Water Resources to obtain a loan up to a maximum of $250,000 to be used together with a $400,000 Safe Drinking Water grant from the State of California to upgrade the existing water facilities for the residents of Davenport through the addition of a filtration and treatment plant and replacement of the water transmission and distribution system; said loan to bear interest at a rate of 2 1/2% per annum, and to be repaid over a term of 35 years?
[Full text for measure E]
Votes yes: 70
Votes no: 30
Measure F
Freedom Fire Protection District
Special Tax
Ordinance imposing a special tax for fire protection, prevention, and other services of the Freedom Fire Protection District.
[Full text for measure F]
(2/3 majority required)
Votes yes: 1328
Votes no: 842
Measure G
Scotts Valley Fire Protection District
Special Tax
Ordinance imposing a special tax for fire protection, prevention, and other services for the Scotts Valley Fire Protection District
[Full text for measure G]
(2/3 majority required)
Votes yes: 3673
Votes no: 2089