Ballot Measures

Ballot Measures

1983 November 8th - Special Election


Measure A

City of Santa Cruz
U.C.S.C. Industrial Development--Compliance with Local Land Use Policies

Shall the ordinance requiring the City Council to (1) request the Chancellor and the Board of Regents to withhold approval of any research, development and manufacturing facility at U.C.S.C. unless it is found by the City Council to conform to the City's land use policies; (2) request the legislative representatives of the City of Santa Cruz to initiate and propose legislation to require that any state funds proposed to be used for the development of any proposed research, development and manufacturing facility at U.C.S.C. be used only if it is found by the City of Santa Cruz to comply with the land use policies of the City; (3) approve an application for annexation to the City of any lands needed for any proposed U.C.S.C. research, development and manufacturing facility, or the extension of City services to any site outside the boundaries of the City of Santa Cruz only after finding, based on substantial evidence, that the facility conforms to land use policies of the City; provided that the Council will abide by any contractual and other legal obligations; and (4) take any further steps within its legal powers to require the proposed U.C.S.C. facility to comply with the land use policies of the City of Santa Cruz, be adopted?
[Full text for measure A]

    Votes yes: 12123
    Votes no:  4731


Measure B

City of Santa Cruz
Responsible Public Investment Ordinance

Shall the Ordinance providing for a seven (7) member committee, to be in existence for one year, and which shall be required to make recommendations to the City Council regarding procedures to insure that City monies are not invested in financial institutions that do business in or with the Republic of South Africa, regarding a comprehensive investment policy for City monies which maximize the social and economic benefit of the people of Santa Cruz; and requiring the City Council to adopt such comprehensive investment policy within one year, be adopted?
[Full text for measure B]

    Votes yes: 9586
    Votes no:  6872

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