Ballot Measures

Ballot Measures

1987 November 3rd - Special Election


Measure B

Salsipuedes Fire Protection District
Change of Appropriations Limit

Shall an ordinance submitted by the Salsipuedes Fire Protection District Board of Directors to the voters of the Salsipuedes Fire Protection District of Santa Cruz County be approved in order to change the district's appropriations limit and to provide continued funding for fire protection, prevention and other public services rendered by the district under the Fire Protection District Law of 1961, as amended (Health and Safety Code Section 13801 and following) for the benefit of the residents of the Salsipuedes Fire Protection District?
[Full text for measure B]

    Votes yes: 854
    Votes no:  256


Measure C

Santa Cruz County
Sheriff's Patrol Services Fee. Advisory Vote Only

Shall the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors be authorized to levy a County Service Area charge to finance the direct cost of providing additional Santa Cruz County Sheriff's patrol services within the entire unincorporated area of Santa Cruz County at the following rates: Vacant Parcel $10.00, Residential Unit $20.00, Commercial Unit $40.00, Major Commercial Unit $80.00. and no part of the service charge shall be used to pay for or supplant the costs of existing operations or to pay any of the indirect costs such as department or County overhead; and shall the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors be authorized to annually adjust the service charge as calculated by the Auditor-Controller in an amount limited to the actual amount needed to pay for the annual increases in the direct cost of providing these additional Countywide patrol services?
[Full text for measure C]

    Votes yes: 7176
    Votes no:  10584


Measure E

Zayante Fire Protection District
Fire Station General Obligation Bonds

Shall the Board of Directors of the Zayante Fire Protection District be authorized to issue $495,000.00 of General Obligation bonds to construct a new fire station facility on real property owned by the District and located at 7700 East Zayante Road, Felton, California and pay for all costs associated therewith, including engineering and architectural fees and costs and all costs and expenses relating to the conducting of proceedings for the authorization, issuance, and sale of bonds; and be authorized annually (for thirty (30) years thereafter or until fully paid) to levy a special tax at a sufficient rate based on assessed valuation of all taxable property within the District to repay the bonds and any interest and redemption charges thereon?
[Full text for measure E]

    Approved. (2/3 majority required)
    Votes yes: 801
    Votes no:  66

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