Ballot Measures

Ballot Measures

2005 November 8th - Special Election


Measure A

Santa Cruz City High School District
Funding Renewal

To provide continued funding to retain quality teachers, credentialed librarians, academic and career counseling programs, and counselors for at-risk youth, shall the High School District of the Santa Cruz City Schools renew without increase its existing assessment of $28/year per parcel for seven years, beginning July 1, 2006, exempting parcels owned/occupied by seniors 65+), with independent community oversight and accountability to ensure funds are used only to improve student learning?
[Full text for measure A]

    Approved. (2/3 majority required)
    Votes yes: 30483
    Votes no:  9136


Measure B

Santa Cruz City Elementary School District
School District Funding Renewal

To provide continued funding to retain quality teachers, art and music programs, credentialed librarians and counselors for at-risk youth and students with academic needs, shall the Elementary District of the Santa Cruz City Schools renew without increase its existing assessment of $70/year per parcel for seven years, beginning July 1, 2006, exempting parcels owned/occupied by seniors (65+), with independent community oversight and accountability to ensure funds are used only to improve student learning?
[Full text for measure B]

    Approved. (2/3 majority required)
    Votes yes: 16734
    Votes no:  4165


Measure C

City of Scotts Valley
City of Scotts Valley Temporary Sales Tax

Shall a five year temporary one-half of one percent sales tax rate increase be approved for the first three year period and then reduced to one-quarter of one percent for the final two years be adopted to maintain general services including public safety, street improvements, and parks?
[Full text for measure C]

    Votes yes: 3033
    Votes no:  1209

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