2008 June 3rd - Primary Election
Measure Q
Scotts Valley Unified School District
Bond Measure
To provide safe and modern school facilities, improve student learning, and qualify for matching funds, shall the Scotts Valley Unified School District issue $55 million in bonds at legal interest rates to replace our 65-year old middle school with modern classrooms and facilities, replace deteriorating portables with permanent classrooms, and add/improve classrooms, libraries, multi-purpose rooms, and other school facilities, with independent citizen oversight, mandatory annual audits, no money for administrator salaries and all funds benefiting Scotts Valley schools?
[Full text for measure Q]
(55% majority required)
Votes yes: 3020
Votes no: 2617
Measure R
Santa Cruz County Public Library Authority
Countywide Library Improvement/Continuation Measure
To support and maintain local public libraries and library services through acquiring books, children's educational materials, computers and technology; increase and improve children's reading, adult literacy, senior and other educational programs; and upgrade local library facilities, shall Ordinance No. 1 of the Santa Cruz County Public Library Authority be amended to continue the existing 0.25 cent sales tax for libraries with no increase?
[Full text for measure R]
(2/3 majority required)
Votes yes: 39105
Votes no: 14424
Measure S
Ben Lomond Fire Protection District
To reduce 9-1-1 response times and improve volunteer firefighters training by replacing an unsafe 68 year-old building containing lead paint/asbestos, constructing a seismically safe fire station accommodating modern firefighting equipment, breathing apparatus, 9-1-1 technology, emergency vehicle exits, and additional firefighters to improve firefighter recruitment/retention, shall Ben Lomond Fire Protection District issue $10,000,000 in bonds within legal interest rates, requiring citizen oversight, annual audits, and no money for administrators??? salaries?
[Full text for measure S]
(2/3 majority required)
Votes yes: 741
Votes no: 1119
Measure V
Aromas-San Juan Unified School District
Bond Measure
To improve neighborhood schools and provide for student safety, health, and learning; to replace relocatable classrooms; to acquire, construct, upgrade and equip classrooms, restrooms, facilities and sites; and to retire an outstanding facilities loan, shall Aromas-San Juan Unified School District issue $18,800,000 of bonds at legal interest rates for Aromas-San Juan Bautista school projects, not administrators' salaries or operating expenses, with citizens' oversight and independent public financial audits?
[Full text for measure V]
(55% majority required)
Votes yes: 7
Votes no: 7