2012 November 6th - General Election
Measure |
Title |
Result |
School Bond measure |
Approved |
School Bond Measure |
Approved |
Transient Occupancy Tax Rate |
Approved |
Sales tax increase |
Approved |
Desalination projects requiring voter ap... |
Approved |
Transient Occupancy Tax |
Approved |
Mobile home park rent control fee |
Approved |
Measure L
Pajaro Valley Unified School District
School Bond measure
To repair aging schools, which support quality education in the Aptos and Watsonville areas, with funding that cannot be taken by the State, shall Pajaro Valley Unified School District upgrade classrooms in all schools, repair leaking roofs and aging schools, upgrade computers and instructional technology in all schools, and construct, repair and acquire classrooms, sites and equipment, by issuing $150,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, with independent citizens' oversight, no money for administrators, independent audits, all funds staying local?
[Full text for measure L]
(55% majority required)
Votes yes: 22171
Votes no: 9990
Measure M
Pacific Elementary School District
School Bond Measure
To improve the quality of education; replace deteriorating roofs; increase student access to computers and modern technology; replace aging portable classroom for pre-school children; and renovate the multi-purpose building for school and community use; shall the Pacific Elementary School District issue $830,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, have an independent citizens' oversight committee, have NO money used for administrative salaries or taken by the state, and have all funds spent only on Pacific School?
[Full text for measure M]
(55% majority required)
Votes yes: 292
Votes no: 82
Measure N
County of Santa Cruz
Transient Occupancy Tax Rate
Additional One and One-Half Percent (1.5%) Transient Occupancy Tax Rate. To protect the quality of life in Santa Cruz County by limiting further cuts to police, fire, emergency services, health services, parks and recreation, economic development, job creation, and other essential county services; shall Santa Cruz County be authorized to levy an additional tax of one and one-half of one percent in the Transient Occupancy Tax on people staying at lodging facilities in the unincorporated areas of the county?
[Full text for measure N]
Votes yes: 80990
Votes no: 30303
Measure O
City of Capitola
Sales tax increase
Shall a City of Capitola permanent sales tax increase of one quarter of one percent be adopted to pay for disaster recovery and to maintain general services including public safety and street improvements?
[Full text for measure O]
Votes yes: 2343
Votes no: 2274
Measure P
City of Santa Cruz
Desalination projects requiring voter approval
Shall an amendment to the Charter of the City of Santa Cruz Requiring Voter Approval for Desalination Projects" be adopted?"
[Full text for measure P]
Votes yes: 19124
Votes no: 7389
Measure Q
City of Santa Cruz
Transient Occupancy Tax
In order to protect the quality of life in the City of Santa Cruz by supporting efforts to create jobs for local residents; investing in a vibrant local economy; and supporting police, fire, parks and recreation, and other essential city services, shall the City of Santa Cruz be authorized to augment the city's General Fund by levying an additional tax of one percent in the Transient Occupancy Tax on people staying at local hotels and motels?
[Full text for measure Q]
Votes yes: 22399
Votes no: 4840
Measure R
City of Watsonville
Mobile home park rent control fee
Shall the City impose upon and collect a rent control fee from persons occupying a space in a mobile home park to partly reimburse the City for the cost of defending challenges to its mobile home rent control ordinance and allow a person occupying space in a demands or receives rent in excess of that allowed by the Mobile Home Rent Control Ordinance?mobile home park to recover attorney's fees as additional damages from a person who demands or receives rent in excess of that allowed by the Mobile Home Rent Control Ordinance?
[Full text for measure R]
Votes yes: 5715
Votes no: 4591