Agri-Culture, Inc. |
Most of the country’s population now lives in urban areas, yet it makes political decisions concerning land and agriculture. Farmers constantly make environmental decisions and try to understand urban thinking. It therefore seemed appropriate to create an organization such as Agri-Culture ...[Full Record] |
Address: |
141 Monte Vista Ave. Watsonville, CA 95076 |
Phone: | 831-722-6622 |
Email: | |
Website: | |
American Cancer Society |
Your local American Cancer Society office is your source for the most relevant information to help guide you. Appointments are needed for all services to ensure we have the right people available to meet your needs. Hours and services vary by location. You can always call our Cancer Inform...[Full Record] |
Address: |
945 S Main St Ste 201 Salinas, CA 93901 |
Phone: | 831-442-2992 |
Website: | |
American Diabetes Association, Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties |
The American Diabetes Association is the nation's leading 501(C)3 nonprofit health organization providing diabetes research, information and advocacy. Educational information available in the office or over the phone and referral services. Membership in the Association entitles member to o...[Full Record] |
Address: |
111 W. Saint John Street, Suite 1150 San Jose, CA 95113 |
Phone: | 408-241-1922 |
Website: | |
American Heart Association |
Heart disease and stroke are the No. 1 and No. 5 killers of all Americans. We are working with citizens and leaders, collaborating with neighbors and supporters. We are unraveling complex health issues in our community with a powerful combination of groundbreaking research and community le...[Full Record] |
Address: |
One Almaden Blvd. Ste. 500 San Jose, CA 95113 |
Phone: | 408-606-5940 |
Website: | |
Amnesty International Group 30 |
Group 30 is a community-based collection of volunteers who meet, write letters, and organize events to advance the principles of human rights promoted by Amnesty International. Amnesty International is an independent worldwide movement working impartially for the release of all prisoner...[Full Record] |
Email: | |
Website: | |
Bike Santa Cruz County |
Bicycling in Santa Cruz County is a safe, respected, convenient, and enjoyable form of transportation and recreation for people of all ages and abilities. Santa Cruz's comprehensive bike network provides access to all natural and urban destinations within the County, as well as connections...[Full Record] |
Address: |
703 Pacific Avenue Santa Cruz, CA 95060 |
Phone: | 831-425-0665 |
Email: | |
Website: | |
California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc. |
CRLA is a private, non-profit law office which provides free legal services to low income persons in the areas of housing, foreclosures, fair housing, public benefits (Cal-WORKS, General Assistance, Food Stamps, Medi-Cal, Unemployment, State Disability, SSI, etc.), access to education for ...[Full Record] |
Address: |
21 Carr Street Watsonville, CA 95076 |
Phone: | 831-724-2253 |
Website: | |
Cantú Queer Center |
The Lionel Cantu Queer Resource Center is the nexus of support and advocacy for the LGBTQIA+ community at the University of California, Santa Cruz. We create co-curricular experiences with students, staff and faculty to build a more inclusive campus community for queer and trans people. ...[Full Record] |
Address: |
1156 High Street, Merrill College Santa Cruz, CA 95064 |
Phone: | 831-459-2468 |
Email: | |
Website: | |
Capitola Police Department |
The Department carries out implementation of the mission of prevention and deterrence of crime by the utilization of patrol in response to calls for service; POP projects and directed patrol; Detectives performing comprehensive investigations and liaison with other local law enforcement ag...[Full Record] |
Address: |
422 Capitola Ave Capitola, CA 95010 |
Phone: | 831-475-4242 |
Email: | |
Website: | |
Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems |
Through our research, education, and outreach programs, the Center works to create agriculture and food systems that sustain both human communities and the environments in which they live. Offers undergraduate and graduate courses and also sponsors a 6-month ecological horticulture trainin...[Full Record] |
Address: |
1156 High Street Santa Cruz, CA 95064 |
Phone: | 831-459-3240 |
Email: | |
Website: | |