Al-Anon Santa Cruz- District 23 Northern CA |
Al-Anon is a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope and to learn about alcoholism. Our meetings are conducted using a twelve-step format and offer support and coping skills for those struggling with alcoholism in a friend or loved o...[Full Record] |
Phone: | 831-462-1818 |
Website: | |
Encompass Community Services |
Encompass Community Services (formerly Santa Cruz Community Counseling Center), a California 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, has been serving Santa Cruz County since 1973. At Encompass Community Services we provide our community with a wide range of services related to family & social ...[Full Record] |
Address: |
380 Encinal St., Ste 200 Santa Cruz, CA 95060 |
Phone: | 831-469-1700 |
Email: | |
Website: | |
Si Se Puede |
Located in the serene foothills of Watsonville, CA, Sí Se Puede is one of the only bilingual and monolingual treatment environments in the nation. This 23-bed residential program serves Spanish speaking, male clientele for a 30-90 day period, based on individual client needs. Staffed by a...[Full Record] |
Phone: | 831-226-3728 |
Email: | |
Website: | |
Sobriety Works |
Sobriety Works provides professionally operated outpatient treatment services and supportive sober living environments that are warm, nurturing, and focused on the people they serve. Based on the 12-Step model, our services are person-centered and individually tailored to meet each clie...[Full Record] |
Address: |
8030 Soquel Ave., Suite 103 Santa Cruz, CA 95062 |
Phone: | 831-476-1747 |
Email: | |
Website: | |