Community Assessment Project (CAP) In-depth annual survey focusing on quality of life in Santa Cruz County. |
Copyright Alliance A one-stop shop for copyright information, including resources on copyright law; issues and policy; education; and how to find a copyright attorney, creator services, or a copyright owner, as well as news and events. |
Local History Articles |
Monterey Bay Economic Partnership Find data insights into demographics & housing, workforce development & employment, higher education, agriculture & tourism, health & wellness, and tech & transportation in the Monterey Bay region. |
Morningstar Investing Center Investment information on stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. |
RAND The RAND Corporation is a nonprofit institution that helps improve policy and decisionmaking through research and analysis. |
Santa Cruz County Statistics Links to a full range of demographic, economic, health, and other statistics for Santa Cruz County. Created and maintained by SCPL Librarians. |
SIRS Issues Researcher Curriculum-aligned database of content organized by complex issues, ideally for middle and high school students and educators. (Grades 6+) |
Value Line Investment research on companies, industries, and markets. |
Webucator Webucator provides many online self-paced courses on Web Development, Microsoft, Adobe, Java and more, completely free for our library cardholders. To register for a course: 1) Go to the Self-paced Courses page. 2) Browse through the courses and select a course you are interested in. 3) Click the Register Now button under "Self-paced 24/7 Training." 4) Fill out your information. 5) In the Payment box, at the bottom, select "Webucator Vouchers" and enter the voucher number 9440246. 6) Click Register. After filling out the registration form, you will receive email instructions for logging in and accessing your course. |