Archive of American Television Chronicles the television industry from its earliest days to the present with extensive interviews and clips. Created by the nonprofit Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Foundation. |
EP Guides Episode lists for TV shows. |
hoopla hoopla is a digital media service where you can check out movies, television, audiobooks, and music. Items are available for streaming or temporary download on your computer, smart phone or tablet. Thousands of titles are available. Sign up with your email address, then use your library card number and pin to check them out. |
IMDB- The Internet Movie Database Comprehensive information on movies and TV shows.
TeachingBooks Find book trailers, movies with authors, audio performances, discussion questions, and more. Designed to serve the PreK-12 school community and their families, as well as pre-service educators in colleges and universities. |
The Lesbian Herstory Archives The Lesbian Herstory Archives is dedicated to collecting and preserving history pertaining to the lesbian communityand is one of the oldest and largest archives dedicated to the history of lesbians. |