

Premium Research Database
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Academic Onefile Peer-reviewed, full-text articles for academic research from the world's leading journals covering the physical and social sciences, technology, medicine, engineering, the arts, technology, literature, and many other subjects.
American Physical Society The American Physical Society is a non-profit organization working to advance and diffuse the knowledge of physics through its outstanding research journals, scientific meetings, and education, outreach, advocacy and international activities. These journals are now available online from inside the Santa Cruz Public Library Branches only.
Brainfuse HelpNow Offering free academic help at all levels, Brainfuse has live online tutoring in elementary, middle school, high school, college, and adult education. SAT, ACT, GED, and Citizenship test help is also available. Writing a paper? Send your paper to a tutor and receive a response within 24 hours. Job seekers can also get resume and job finding assistance in the Adult Learning Center. Maestros en español disponible.
Britannica Escolar Britannica Escolar es una enciclopedia en dos partes con portales para estudiantes de primaria y secundaria.
Britannica School Elementary Thousands of articles on a wide range of subjects. The entries are specially designed at different reading levels, allowing students to move easily to material of higher or lower comprehension levels as needed for K-6, middle school and high school.
Britannica School High Thousands of articles on a wide range of subjects. The entries are specially designed at different reading levels, allowing students to move easily to material of higher or lower comprehension levels as needed for K-6, middle school and high school.
Britannica School Middle Thousands of articles on a wide range of subjects. The entries are specially designed at different reading levels, allowing students to move easily to material of higher or lower comprehension levels as needed for K-6, middle school and high school.
Discover & Go Instant online access to free and low-cost tickets to museums, science centers, zoos, theaters and other fun local cultural venues with your library card.
eLibrary (ProQuest) General reference aggregation of periodical and digital media content with editorial guidance for novice researchers. (Grades 6+)
Endangered Species of Santa Cruz County Created and maintained by SCPL Librarians.
Environmental Studies in Context (Gale) Content supports students and researchers interested in environmental and sustainability issues across science, social studies, and the humanities.
Gale Interactive: Science A highly visual online learning tool that takes visual-spatial learning to the next level by bringing the lab to the classroom. High-value, rich-media digital content selected from authoritative classroom resources is paired with interactive 3D models to deliver a virtual laboratory simulation experience for students in middle school and high school grades.
Gale PowerSearch Discover a great collection of articles from thousands of Gale resources--magazines, journals, newspapers and books along with videos, images and podcast content. PowerSearch allows you to search all our Gale resources at once.
GreenFile Information on environmental concerns.
HippoCampus is a free, core academic web site that delivers rich multimedia content--videos, animations, and simulations--on general education subjects to middle-school and high-school teachers and college professors, and their students, free of charge. Part of the NROC Project.
Kanopy Streaming Video Kanopy provides access to one of the most unique collections of films in the world – including award-winning documentaries, training films and theatrical releases – on every topic imaginable. Users can view 8 films per month with their account. Mobile apps and a Roku channel are available.
MEDLINE PubMed Citations and abstracts from MEDLINE, the world's largest database of clinical medical literature. Links to full-text articles.
National Geographic Kids (Nat Geo Kids) Collection includes all magazine issues from 2009 to the present, as well as books, videos including Amazing Animals, images, and colorful photos. High-quality informational texts, fun features, and weird and wacky facts are available for primary, upper elementary, and middle school English Language Arts, social studies, and science classrooms.
National Geographic Virtual Library Archive 1888-1994
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Comprehensive information on oceans, atmosphere, climate, and weather.
Pests in the Home University of California's official guidelines for pest monitoring techniques, pesticides, and non-pesticide alternatives
Physics Central Physics news and commentary, links to research, podcasts, and experiments to try at home.
Santa Cruz County Birds & Wildlife This inspiring collection of Santa Cruz County Bird and Wildlife Photography is available to the Santa Cruz Public Libraries thanks to a generous donation by Tony Britton Photography. Students may use the photos for educational purposes for free, as long as the photos are attributed to the copyright holder. Use of these photos for commercial or other purposes are decided by the copyright holder. All inquiries for use of photographs should be directed to Authoritative science information.
SIRS Discoverer Selected content for novice researchers, especially elementary and middle school students and educators. (Grades 3-9)
SIRS Issues Researcher Curriculum-aligned database of content organized by complex issues, ideally for middle and high school students and educators. (Grades 6+)
USGS Education A U.S. Geological Service that supports educators in the sciences with curricula resources for K-college. Live earthquake maps, water resources, ecosystems and environment, climate change, and topographical maps.
Water Smart Gardening in Santa Cruz County Sustainable local gardening tips.