




Santa Cruz Public Libraries Virtual Recordings on YouTube

Enjoy recordings of storytimes, songs, STEAM programs and more created by our very own librarians on our YouTube channel.


Links to Additional Storytime Resources

It's important to keep reading, singing, playing, talking and learning. Here are a few resources with links to help parents and caregivers continue to provide literacy activities and read-a-loud stories for young children while the library is closed.

Denver Public Library Dial a Story - Phone a Story: 720-865-8500

JBrary - Evolving List of Storytime resources, including links to virtual storytimes from libraries across the country

Storyline - Famous people reading picture books aloud

IndyPL - 100+ Free Video Read Alouds

Tell Me a Story - King County Library System (WA) offers a HUGE collection of songs and rhymes to sing with little ones

Cuento con vos-  es una iniciativa que surgió a partir de la cuarentena provocada por el COVID19, con el objetivo de que nuestros lectores siguieran disfrutando de la lectura en casa.

Drag Queen Storytime - From the New York Public Library: Drag Queen Storytime: A Video for Children and Parents

Morning Stories on the Table - Each week, we select a fun story from around the world and adapt them into Chinese in a much more creative way.

SJPL Virtual Infant / Toddler Storytime - This program is presented on Zoom and is geared for children 0 to 3 years of age and their parents/caregivers, but all children are welcome! Registration is required.



Santa Cruz Public Libraries Virtual Recordings on YouTube

Enjoy recordings of storytimes, songs, STEAM programs and more created by our very own librarians on our YouTube channel.


Links to Additional Storytime Resources

It's important to keep reading, singing, playing, talking and learning. Here are a few resources with links to help parents and caregivers continue to provide literacy activities and read-a-loud stories for young children while the library is closed.

Denver Public Library Dial a Story - Phone a Story: 720-865-8500

JBrary - Evolving List of Storytime resources, including links to virtual storytimes from libraries across the country

Storyline - Famous people reading picture books aloud

IndyPL - 100+ Free Video Read Alouds

Tell Me a Story - King County Library System (WA) offers a HUGE collection of songs and rhymes to sing with little ones

Cuento con vos-  es una iniciativa que surgió a partir de la cuarentena provocada por el COVID19, con el objetivo de que nuestros lectores siguieran disfrutando de la lectura en casa.

Drag Queen Storytime - From the New York Public Library: Drag Queen Storytime: A Video for Children and Parents

Morning Stories on the Table - Each week, we select a fun story from around the world and adapt them into Chinese in a much more creative way.

SJPL Virtual Infant / Toddler Storytime - This program is presented on Zoom and is geared for children 0 to 3 years of age and their parents/caregivers, but all children are welcome! Registration is required.