Library Boards

Library Boards


Library Joint Powers Authority

The Library Joint Powers Authority Board oversees the operations of the Santa Cruz City County Library systems, setting policies and exercising responsibilities delegated to it in the Joint Powers Agreement.

Current Agenda

Libraries Facilities Financing Authority

Financing the acquisition, construction and improvement of Santa Cruz Public Libraries facilities through the formation of a community facilities district.

Current Agenda


Library Advisory Commission

The Library Advisory Commission is intended to be a voice of the community to provide advice and feedback to the Governing Board and the Director of Libraries.

Current Agenda

Downtown Library Advisory Committee

The Downtown Branch Library Advisory Committee has been formed to assist the Library and the City of Santa Cruz in developing a space that meets the community's needs and desires for 21st century programming.

Library Joint Powers Board Finance Subcommittee

Ad hoc committee consisting of members from the Library Joint Powers Board, the Library Director and the City of Santa Cruz Finance Director. The subcommittee reviews, projects and plans the library system's finances and makes recommendations to the full Library Joint Powers Board.

Library Joint Powers Board Facilities Master Plan Committee

Primary purpose of this subcommittee was to work on developing a facilities master plan for the 10 library branches that would include input from all jurisdictions. The sunset of this committee was March 2014.

Upcoming Meetings

Mon, April 14

Sat, April 19

Thu, May 1

Mon, May 19