Motion Date | Motion # | Res. # | Motion Description |
2020-08-06 | 2020-12 | none | A. Approved Minutes of June 4, 2020
B. Audit Report of 2018-19 and 2019-20 LFFA CFD levy amounts
1. Accepted the attached NBS Audit Report of the Santa Cruz LFFA’s Community Facilities District No.2016-1 (the “LFFA CFD”) dated February 2020;
2. Requested that NBS include any under-levied amounts identified in the audit, combining those amounts along with the new 2020-21 levy amounts, on the 2020-21 tax levy file and that they provide the modified file to the Santa Cruz County Auditor-Controller by the August 10, 2020 deadline or shortly thereafter if an extension is granted;
3. Authorized the LFFA to issuance refund checks of all over-levied amounts as soon as it is administratively possible;
4. Directed the LFFA Executive Director, in collaboration with the LFFA Treasurer-Controller, to invoice NBS for the check issuance changes in the amount of $15 per check.
C. Approved three-year agreement with Brown Armstrong, CPAs in the annual amount of $4,980, resulting in a total cost of $14,940, for audit related services for FYs 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22, and authorized the Chair of the Board of Directors to sign the agreement.
D. Accepted and filed Special Tax Bond Quarterly Financial Statements.. Vote: Unan |
Mon, April 14
Sat, April 19
Thu, May 1
Mon, May 19