Library Boards

Library Boards

Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
1999-02-01 1999-06 The Library Joint Powers Authority Board appropriate the monies in the FY 1997-98 Fund Balance as follows: $7,000 from Available Revenue to the FY 98/99 budget to contract with Arthur Andersen llp for financial auditing services; $ 66,875.00 from Fund Balance/Available Revenue to the FY 1998/99 Capital Outlay/Equipment Budget for the Purchase of Replacement Microfilm Reader/Printers and Other Equipment; $35,000 from the McCaskill Trust for Local History to the FY 1998-99 Capital Outlay/Equipment Budget for the Purchase of Replacement Microfilm; Reader/Printers and Other Equipment. $61,716.00 from Fund Balance/Available Revenue to the FY 1998/99 Books and Periodicals Budget for the Purchase of Microfilm and Other Materials..

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