Motion Date | Motion # | Res. # | Motion Description |
1999-03-01 | 1999-07 | That when any substantial amount of material, not covered by the library's contract with the Friends of the Library , is to be discarded, the Friends of the Santa Cruz Libraries, Inc. should post an announcement outside of each library and on the library website stating that discarded materials are available and state the date certain by which they must be picked up . Vote: AYES: Councilmember Aguilar Supervisor Beautz, Citizen Bunnett, Councilmember Fabrizio, Citizen Kish, Councilmember Rotkin, Citizen Campbell, Councilmember Mathews NAYES: Supervisor Jeff Almquist |
Mon, April 14
Sat, April 19
Thu, May 1
Mon, May 19