Motion Date | Motion # | Res. # | Motion Description |
2000-10-02 | 2000-31 | (A). that the Library Joint Powers Board appeal to the Santa Cruz City Council the decision of the Historic Preservation Commission to choose their design over the design preferred by the Library Joint Powers Board.
(B). that the Library Joint Powers Board agree to pay an additional $350 per month to the Faye G. Belardi Board for lease of the Felton Branch Library and that this rent be paid retroactively to August 1, 2000, once a copy of a signed written lease is received from the Belardi Board
(C). that no formal policy be adopted regarding communications between the Library Board and library staff but that the Board endorse the approach taken by the Association of Library Trustees and Commissioners by including their communications policy in handbook materials given to the Library Board.
(D). that the Board direct staff to develop language amending the item on page 14, Proposed Automobile and Parking Lot Standards
(E). that the Board adopts the standards set out in the briefing papers clarifying that the goals in place are subject to change depending on the particular conditions of the site. Vote: UNAN |
Mon, April 14
Sat, April 19
Thu, May 1
Mon, May 19