Library Boards

Library Boards

Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
2001-06-04 2001-18 2001-08 that the Library Joint Powers Authority Board adopt Resolution No. 2001-08 the budget of the Santa Cruz City-County Library System for the fiscal year 2001-2002, as proposed in that certain document entitled "Santa Cruz City-County Library System 2001-2002 Proposed Annual Budget" on file with the Clerk of the Library Board with addenda thereto detailed in the attached Exhibit "A", Revisions to Personnel. In addition, the Board stipulated that delays be made in the amount of $81,000 in the Capital Outlay budget to determine the amount of sales tax that will be available. The Board also asked for quarterly sales tax reports in the next fiscal year. The motion passed unanimously.

Vote: UNAN
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