Motion Date | Motion # | Res. # | Motion Description |
2002-05-06 | 2002-16 | That the Library Joint powers Authority Board adopt by motion staff's recommendation to deal with the FY 2002/02 deficit by: 1) reducing the final amount spent on library materials by $117,000; 2) delaying $61,000 in Capital Outlay projects; and 3) based on these reductions and the anticipated 4% in Personnel savings, deriving a further reduction of $6,435 in the City of Santa Cruz charge to the Library system.. Vote: AYES: Supervisor Beautz, Citizen Bunnett, Citizen Campbell, Councilmember Fitzmaurice, Citizen Gaughan, Councilmember Krohn, Councilmember Ortiz NAYS: Supervisor Almquist, Councilmember Johnson |
Mon, April 14
Sat, April 19
Thu, May 1
Mon, May 19