Motion Date | Motion # | Res. # | Motion Description |
2005-04-04 | 2005-12A | (A). That the Minutes of February 6, 2005 be approved with the following corrections: Item IV, A, Motion 3, "the policy regarding the geographic diversity of citizen members is that the City of Santa Cruz shall be defined as the area within the legal city limits, with the addition of the North Coast area congruent with Supervisorial District 3"- the vote was erroneously listed as 7 AYES. The vote was actually 4 to 3, AYES from Beautz, Mathews, Rotkin, Termini; NAYES from Gorson, Gaughan and Stone. Councilmember Johnson was absent. Item IV, A, Motion 4 -erroneously stated that Chair Gaughan made the motion to close the nominations and elect Leigh Poitinger. The motion was actually made by Councilmember Rotkin.. Vote: Ayes: Beautz, Gaughan, Gorson, Mathews, Poitinger, Rotkin, Termini, Stone Abstained: Johnson |
Mon, April 14
Sat, April 19
Thu, May 1
Mon, May 19