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Library Boards

Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
2009-04-06 2009-13 That the Library Joint Powers Board adopt the following budget guidelines: The Library System will strive to establish and maintain at least 5% of its annual budget for its ongoing cash reserves; At least 8% of the Library's operating budget should be dedicated to the Library's book and media budget (Motion 2007-12); Carry-over funds (funds encumbered but not yet spent) are not to be added into the next fiscal year's budget as new funds. Carry-overs are not to be encouraged. The Board will want a report in September each year from the Library Director and the SC City Finance Director on these carry-over projects and if they have a negative effect on the new fiscal year's budget in any way.; The Library Director at the Board's September meeting will report year-end fund balances approved by the City Finance Department to the Board. At that time, the Board may decide how the funds are to be used.;The Board will review, at a minimum, library expenditure and revenue statements every 4 months.; The Budget Subcommittee should continue to meet on a once a month basis during the 2009-10 fiscal year.; AMENDMENT Monthly (second preceding month) revenue, expense , and cash reports; 3-5 year long term projections in December focused on expenses and projected projects.

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