Motion Date | Motion # | Res. # | Motion Description |
2009-10-05 | 2009-43 | that the Board authorize the following recommendation: Donations received by the Friends of the Library for library materials will be transferred into the Library budget monthly and will be entered in a separate line in the same category as Books and Periodicals. Library staff will spend the money following the same procedures used for ordering "regular" library materials. The LJPB will not need to pass a resolution each month to accept these funds as part of the Library's budget but this action will serve as authorization. AMENDMENT: This motion will be retroactive to include two donations received in August and September that were deposited in the Library's general fund. This motion will transfer these funds to the new donations line and will allow them to be spent on library materials according to the donor's wishes.. Vote: UNAN Absent: Rotkin, Stone |
Mon, April 14
Sat, April 19
Thu, May 1
Mon, May 19