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Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
2010-05-03 2010-20 that the Library Joint Powers Authority Board authorize library staff to develop the following budget guidelines for the adoption of the final budget at the June meeting: cut materials budget by $272,000, cut temporary personnel budget by $71,000, charge the LJPB Finance Sub-committee to keep a close eye on the on-going budget, reduce $30,000 from landscaping budget, recognition that this is not a sustainable budget past the current year, there needs to be another process for long-term financial sustainability, add the negative fund balance into the presentation of the budget. Excluded from the motion to be voted on separately: direct staff to explore the option of spreading the cost of the ILS system over 2 fiscal years..

Vote: AYES: Poitinger, Gorson, Reed, Rotkin, Beiers, Stone, Storey NAYES: Gerdt, Pirie
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