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Library Boards

Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
2010-05-03 2010-22 that the Library Joint Powers Authority Board authorize a sub-committee charged with developing a long-term financial sustainability plan for the library system. The model would support consistent delivery of services, programs and materials and is aligned with revenue projections; and which allows the library system to maintain a healthy and stable financial positions. The committee be made up of 4 Board members and a representative from each library branch (10 Branches). This process would begin as soon as possible but the deliverables from this sub-committee would not be expected until December 2010/January 2011. The 10 representatives will be chosen by the 4 Board members serving on this committee..

Vote: AYES: Gerdt, Beiers, Pirie, Stone, Storey NAYES: Rotkin, Poitinger, Reed, Gorson
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