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Library Boards

Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
2013-10-07 2013-37 That the Board approve to 1) sunset the ad hoc FMP steering committee in March 2014; 2) define that the ad hoc committee's primary purpose is working on the facilities master plan; 3) direct the Library Director to work with and meet with administrators of the four jurisdictions to discuss the library facilities master plan, the JPA and other necessary elements for the facilities plan, to gather additional information, explore options and provide recommendations and that the administrators bring that back to the ad hoc committee in January 2014 as outlined. The ad hoc committee will work on these recommendations and report back to the LJPB prior to their sunset; 4) direct the Library Director to provide monthly reports to the entire LJPB on meetings with administrators and ad hoc committee; 5) ad hoc committee members can bring staff as necessary/desired for this work. .

Vote: Ayes: Friend, Mathews, Dexter, Termini, Terrazas, English; Nayes: Gerdt; Abstain: McPherson; Absent: Reed
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