Library Boards

Library Boards

Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
2014-09-08 2014-46A 2014-011 Consent Agenda: A. Approve Minutes of July 28, 2014 B. Approve Minutes of August 4, 2014 C. Receive Monthly Narrative Report D. Receive update on Public Education and Outreach Campaign E. Motion to approve a contract for a Structural Study of the Downtown Library with Fratessa, Forbes, Wong and authorizing and directing the Library Director to execute the agreement in a form acceptable to the City attorney. (Resolution #2014-011) F. Motion to approve a Hazmat Study of the Downtown Library with Protech Consulting and Engineering and authorizing and directing the Library Director to execute the agreement in a form acceptable to the City attorney. (Resolution # 2014-012) G. Approve revised policies: i. Gift Policy: Works of Art for Public Display. ii. Display Policy: Bulletin Boards, and the Display Cases and Wall-Mounted Exhibits. H. Receive update on Temporary Relocation Costs for Downtown Library..

Vote: UNAN; Absent; Friend, Campbell; Abstain from item A and B: Leopold
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