Library Boards

Library Boards

Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
2015-04-06 2015-18 That the Board approve the following Consent Agenda of April 6, 2015, Items A - E A. Approve Minutes of March 8, 2015 B. Receive monthly narrative report for March 2015 C. Receive monthly performance measures for February 2015 D. Receive monthly financial snapshots for February 2015 E. Affirm Benefactor Recognition Policy #401 Item F. to be pulled for further discussion: Approve resolution to change vacant Bldg. Maint. Worker II position to a Bldg. Maint. Worker I and to use the salary savings to creat a .5 AA II position in the Programs and Partnerships Division. .

Vote: UNAN
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Mon, April 14

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