Library Boards

Library Boards

Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
2017-05-04 2017-14 Approved Consent Calendar Items 10. A - 10.L. A. Approved Minutes. B.Received Articles about Santa Cruz Public Libraries. C.Received Financial Snapshot for February 2017. D.Received 3rd Qtr. Financial Statement FY 2016-17 E.Received Library Sales Tax Revenue Update 3rd Qtr. 2016-17. F.Received Security Incidents Log for 3rd Qtr. 2016-17. G.Received Quarterly Performance Measures 3rd Qtr. 2016-17. H. Received 3rd Quarterly Work Plan. FY2017-18. I.Approved Cooperative Purchasing Agreement to purchase Dell Computers. J.Approved Updated Conflict of Interest List of Designated Filers. K.Approved Budget Adjustment Transferring Funds from Capital Reserve Fund to FY 17 Operating Budget. L. Approved Budget Adjustment FY 16/17 for LIT Vehicle Purchase. .

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Mon, Oct. 7