Library Boards

Library Boards

Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
2019-08-01 2019-13 (none) Result: Approved Consent Calendar: A. Approved Minutes of June 6, 2019 and Minutes of June 27, 2019 B. Received Articles about SCPL. C. Received Community Impact Measures for 4th Qtr. 2018-2019 D. Received Financial Report for 4th Qtr. 2018-2019 E. Received Security Incidents Log for 4th Qtr. 2018-2019 F. Received Work Plan for 4th Qtr. 2018-2019 G. Approved and Amended FY 20 Budget for LSB Library Rent Increase H. Ratified Approval of Library Director’s Employment Agreement.

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Upcoming Meetings

Mon, Oct. 7