Library Boards

Library Boards

Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
2020-08-06 2020-17 none A. Approved June 4, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes; B. Accepted and Filed Recent Articles about SCPL; C. Accepted and Filed Community Impact Measures for 4th Qtr. 2019-2020; D. Accepted and Filed Year-End Financial Report for FY 2019-2020; E. Accepted and Filed Incident Report for 4th Qtr. 2019-2020; F. Accepted and Filed Work Plan for 4th Qtr. 2019-2020; G. Accepted and Filed Library Sales Tax Revenue Update for 4th Qtr. FY 2019-20; H. Approve and amend the FY 2019-2020 operating budget to transfer monies from operating budget to capital outlay fund totaling $70,000; I. Approved a $100,000 Friends of the Libraries grant made payable to Santa Cruz County for the La Selva Beach Branch Library building project; J. 1) Approved grant funds from the Monterey Peninsula Foundation in the amount of $300,000. 2) Approved $100,000 of the above grant funds for the Boulder Creek Library Branch building project. 3) Approved additional funds from the Friends of the Santa Cruz Libraries in the amount of $75,000 to be used for the Boulder Creek Branch Library building project; K. Reviewed and Accepted Library Audit – Annual Financial Report..

Vote: Unan
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