Library Boards

Library Boards

Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
2021-03-04 2021-06 none 1. To authorize the Library Director, for purposes of budgeting, to plan for a 1- year MOE Agreement Extension with an increase of $320,000, knowing that there are parallel processes to seek approvals through all Councils and the Board of Supervisors. To direct staff to work with the Chair and Board members to come up with a scope and process to develop the successor 5-year MOE Agreement and for that process to be completed by December 2021. 2. To authorize staff to develop budget proposals to strategically reduce the size of library fund balance to $500,000, bringing it down by $1.5 million. 3. To approve the current budget estimate for City of Santa Cruz overhead services inflated by 5% as per prior years. 4. To direct staff to review and return to the Board with a facilities capital set-aside budget recommendation that is an increase from the current $100,000 but not as high as $400,000, and also to consider the use of the fund balance to help fund the facilities master fund. To direct staff to develop a plan to address agreements for the ongoing capital maintenance for all branches. 5. Direct staff to work with finance support of the City of Santa Cruz to really understand the numbers of the fund balance cycle..

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