Library Boards

Library Boards

Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
2021-05-06 2021-11 None 1. Authorized the end of the furlough as of May 14 consistent with the City of Santa Cruz’ Council recommendation. 2. Reinstated the resources to fund the frozen positions. 3. Restored the temporary On-call Aide pool and will make the necessary Budget adjustment to authorize the expenditures for this year if needed. 4. Instructed Staff to commence hiring, orientation and training immediately. 5. Appointed the County and Board member Goldstein to serve on a Subcommittee. 6. Made a one-time appropriation of $30,000 to provide analytical support for that Committee. 7. The Subcommittee would meet as needed and come back with recommendations no later than March 2022 for FY 22/23..

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