Motion Date | Motion # | Res. # | Motion Description |
2022-04-07 | 2022-003 | 2022-001 | A. RESULT: APPROVED CONSENT CALENDAR, Items 8 A – E. Pulled Item 8 F and moved to Item 9
A. Adopted Resolution No. 2022-001 Authorizing Continued Remote Teleconference Meetings pursuant to Assembly Bill 361.
B. Approved the February 3, 2022 Board Meeting Minutes
C. Accepted and Filed Branch Library Naming Rights Gift Agreements.
D. Accepted and Amended the FY 21/22 Operating Budget to include the following grants awarded to the Santa Cruz Public Libraries:
1. Cultivating Racial Equity and Inclusion Grant: $5,000
2. Workforce Partnership Initiative Project Grant: $15,000
3. Book to Action Grant: $5,791
4. CA Library Services Act (CLSA) Distribution: $12,135
5. Lunch at the Libraries: $4,800
6. Boulder Creek High Speed Broadband: $8,362
E. Accepted and Amended the FY 21/22 Operating Budget to include donations in support of library services from the Friends of the Santa Cruz Libraries totaling $56,090. [. Vote: UNAN |
Mon, April 14
Sat, April 19
Thu, May 1
Mon, May 19