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Library Boards

Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
2024-02-08 2024-01 None A. Approved the November 9, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes. B. Accepted and Filed Analysis of Patron Count Data from October through December 2023. C. Accepted and Filed 2nd Qtr. Community Impact Measures for FY 23/24. D. Accepted and Filed 2nd Qtr. Financial Report for FY 22/23. E. Accepted and Filed 2nd Qtr. Incident Report for FY 23/24. F. Accepted and Filed 2nd Qtr. Work Plan for FY 223/24. G. Accepted and Filed Annual Financial Report for the FY ended June 30, 2022. H. Accepted and Amended the FY 24 Library Operating Budget to include a reimbursement from the County of Santa Cruz for the replacement of the Live Oak Library gutter replacement in the amount of $55,480.66. I. Approved transfer of funds from the Friends of the Santa Cruz Public Libraries to the City of Santa Cruz for the Garfield Park and Branciforte Building Projects in the amount of $462,663. K. Ended the practice of hybrid meetings for the LJPB meetings and moved to in person meetings with the live streaming and recorded options.

Vote: Unan
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