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Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

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Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
2013-07-01 2013-27 That the Board approve replacement of the Network Access Administrator position with Library Information Technology Manager. .

Vote: UNAN; Absent: Termini
2013-07-01 2013-28 That the Board approve a motion authorizing the Library Director to negotiate and execute contracts in the amount of up to $50.000.00 authorized in the FY 13/14 budget for financial and polling services relevant to implementing the Library's Facilities Master Plan. .

Vote: UNAN; Absent: Termini
2013-06-03 2013-18 That the Board accept the Library Technology Plan. .

Vote: UNAN
2013-06-03 2013-19 2013-04 That the Board adopt the Resolution amending the Fund Balance Policy to Include Establishing a Library System-wide Stabilization Arrangement (Resolution #2013-04)..

Vote: UNAN
2013-06-03 2013-20 2013-05 That the LJPB authorize the establishment of a Library Surplus Policy. (Resolution #2013-05).

Vote: UNAN
2013-06-03 2013-21 2013-06 That the Board adopt the Budget for the Fiscal Year 2013-2014. (Resolution #2013-06).

Vote: UNAN
2013-05-06 2013-17 "That the Board approve the Revised Volunteer Policy entitled ""Use of Volunteers to Enrich Libraries"". LJPB Policy 106 ".

Vote: UNAN
2013-04-01 2013-13 That the Board approve the Consent Agenda of April 1, 2013 with the following spelling correction: Susan Mauriello instead of Muriello. .

Vote: UNAN; Abstain from item 6A of the March 4, 2013 minutes: Friend
2013-04-01 2013-14 That the Board accept the Facilities Master Plan, including direction to Staff to revise the language on page 44 of the FMP. .

Vote: UNAN
2013-04-01 2013-15 That the Board give direction to Staff at the upcoming Financial Planning Retreat to a) review revenues and other resources, expenses and other needs and financial projections; b) delve more deeply into debt strategy options; c) begin to understand financial options related to implementing the facilities master plan; and to establish a Board Committee made up of representatives from each city and from the county to continue the work that begins at the retreat. .

Vote: UNAN
2013-04-01 2013-16 That the Board a) approve the contract for the ILS Consultant to assist in selection and negotiations for a new ILS and b) approve to realign staff to coordinate the project for an estimated cost of about $26,000. .

Vote: UNAN
2013-03-04 2013-08 2013-02 That the Board accept the $56,873.85 pecuniary gift from the Anna Gruber Trust and that it amend the FY 2012-2013 Budget. (Resolution #2013-02).

Vote: UNAN; ABSENT: Friend
2013-03-04 2013-09 2013-03 That the Board authorize the transfer of $30,000 from the Anna Gruber Trust and that it amend the FY 2012-2013 Budget. (Resolution #2013-03).

Vote: UNAN; ABSENT: Friend
2013-03-04 2013-10 That the Board adopt the revised Library Rules of Conduct. .

Vote: UNAN; ABSENT: Friend
2013-03-04 2013-11 That the Board ask the Staff and Chair to proceed with planning a Board Retreat which includes the Board Training component and to authorize the Chair to designate 2 Board members to be part of the planning. .

Vote: UNAN; ABSENT: Friend
2013-03-04 2013-12 That the Board approve the late opening hours of all branches on Thursday, March 7. .

Vote: UNAN; ABSENT: Friend
2013-02-13 2013-05 That the Board appoint Martha Dexter as Citizen Member to the Library Joint Powers Board. .

Vote: UNAN
2013-02-13 2013-06 2013-01 That the Board accept the Resolution of the Santa Cruz Library Joint Powers Authority Board supporting California SCA-7 to adopt a constitutional measure which seeks to reduce the local vote threshold for local special taxes and construction bonds from the current two-thirds vote to 55%. .

Vote: UNAN
2013-02-13 2013-07 "That the Board adopt the by-laws amendment regarding incumbent citizen member as follows ""... Notwithstanding the foregoing, an At-Large Citizen Member shall continue to serve until a replacement has been appointed if a replacement has not been appointed as of the date of the At-Large Member's January term expiration.""".

Vote: UNAN
2013-01-14 2013-02 That the Board appoint Councilmember David Terrazas as temporary Chair for the February LJPB meeting. .

Vote: UNAN
2013-01-14 2013-03 That the Board approve the Food for Fines recommendation..

Vote: UNAN
2013-01-14 2013-04 That the Board approve the 2013 regular meeting calendar..

Vote: UNAN
2013-01-14 2013-01 "That the Board approve the Minutes of December 3, 2012 with the following change: that Citizen Member Gerdt voted ""no"" on the motion creating 3 library districts for the purpose of electing citizen members. ".

Vote: UNAN; Abstain: Mathews
2012-12-03 2012-58 That the Board direct staff to 1) develop a pilot program for emotional support animals and 2) to update language in the Santa Cruz Public Libraries Request for Extensive Suspension Hearing, under the section entitled Extensive Suspension Hearing Panel Procedures #4 to read, a parent or guardian must accompany a minor (under the age of 18) to the hearing, unless the minor has been emancipated. .

Vote: UNAN
2012-12-03 2012-57 That the Board adopt the Library Rules of Conduct, including the line, Refrain from using the Library for the purpose of sleeping..

Vote: Ayes: Pirie, Poitinger, Reed, Terrazas Nayes: English, Beiers, Storey, Leopold, Gerdt

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