United Against Hate Week

United Against Hate was created by civic leaders in direct response to the sharp rise in expressions of hate in our communities. Our organization, Santa Cruz County United for Safe and Inclusive Communities (SCCUSIC), a program of the Resource Center for Nonviolence, wants to empower local residents to take action in our communities and alter the course of this growing intolerance. When we come together to work against hate, we can restore respect and civil discourse, embrace the strength of diversity and build inclusive and equitable communities for all.
United Against Hate Week (Nov. 13-20, 2023) is a call for a week of local civic action by people in every community to stop the hate and implicit biases that are a dangerous threat to the safety and civility of our neighborhoods and community. We have extended the week to incorporate additional opportunities to connect and learn.
We invite the entire community to come to any and all of our free events. Events include film screening and discussions, activities for healing and connection, and training to help stop hate in its tracks.
or scan the code below:

Santa Cruz County United for Safe and Inclusive Communities (SCCUSIC) has also created a resource guide for survivors:
The County Office of Education has made a United Against Hate Week 2023 School Toolkit.
View the Santa Cruz County Board of Education Resolution recognizing United Against Hate Week.
Download the United Against Hate Week Community Toolkit or visit their website for more resources.
Start an anti-racism book group with our Book Discussion Kits featuring Ibram X. Kendi's How to Be an Antiracist. Each kit comes with 8 paperback copies of the book and a discussion guide, all neatly packed in a blue bag.
Rob Bonta, Attorney General Message for Unites Against Hate Week
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