The Genealogical Society of Santa Cruz County presents monthly lectures featuring guest speakers on many topics of interest to genealogists on the first Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. The lectures typically last about an hour and are followed by a question-and-answer session lasting up to 30 minutes. Speakers may allow the library permission to record the events and host them on the Santa Cruz Public Libraries' YouTube channel for later viewing.
Genealogical Society of Santa Cruz County Lectures
GSSCC presents: Ancestor Journeys with guest speaker, Gail Burk
When: Jan. 3, 2023, 1 p.m.
Where: Downtown
The Ancestor Journeys program will explore prompts to inspire genealogists to write astory about an ancestor’s journey. The journey might be geographical, circumstantial, psychological, or metaphorical. An ancestor’s journey may have been optimistic, adventurous, tragic, practical, religious, or interior. An ancestor may have experienced more than one type of journey. Each of our ancestors has undertaken a journey of one kind or another. Many ancestors will have traveled on several journeys over the course of a lifetime. The prompts can also be used to write about our own journeys.
Gail Burk is a long-time member of the Genealogical Society of Santa Cruz County and has served in a number of Board positions, including President. Currently, she co-chairs the Society’s DNA Special Interest Group, is a volunteer staffer for the Society in the Genealogy Room at the downtown Santa Cruz Library, and is working on an index to the Tina Brayton Collection, which is in the process of being digitized. Gail has delivered a variety of programs in the Monterey Bay area. Gail graduated from the University of California at Santa Barbara, where she majored in art and minored in history. She has been an active genealogist for more than 40 years.
When: Jan. 3, 2023, 1 p.m.
Where: Downtown
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