A virtual series bringing Santa Cruz County leaders of diverse faith traditions, perspectives and practices together to help with Sheltering in Place and relevant community topics.
Shelter in Faith
Reflections on the Religious Roots of the Current Insurrection
When: March 15, 2021, 10 a.m.
Join local faith leaders of diverse backgrounds as they bring us the next installment of the Shelter in Faith series: Reflections on the Religious Roots of the Current Insurrection. Through
this partnership with the Tent of Abraham, panelists explore how the
events we all witnessed on January 6 are the direct result of the rise
of Christian Nationalism, Anti-Semitism and Racism. Leaders will share how their faith traditions and spiritual practices can provide us guidance in these challenging times.
Guest Presenters:
- Rev. Beverly Brook, Peace United Church of Christ
- Rev. Deborah Johnson, Innerlight Ministries
- Pastor Bobby Marchessault, Missio Dei Community
- Rabbi Paula Marcus, Temple Beth El
- The conversation will be moderated by Ziggy Rendler-Bregman, Tent of Abraham
This event is hosted by Santa Cruz Public Libraries in partnership with The Tent of Abraham.
Tent of Abraham is a collaborative c
of members of Christian, Jewish, and Muslim faith communities in Santa
Cruz County, who are interested in learning more about each other. We
believe that peace and justice come from understanding and mutual
respect. For more information on this organization, please visit http://tofasantacruz.org/about/
When: March 15, 2021, 10 a.m.
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Reflections on the Religious Roots - Video
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