Tech Talks are not your typical computer class. These are hands-on workshops to help you know your mobile device. Tech Talks have temporarily moved online due the cancellation of library events caused by COVID-19. This event will be taking place on the online Zoom meeting platform. Registrants will receive Zoom meeting instructions via email 24 hours and 1 hour prior to the event.
Tech Talks
Tech Talks: Search Strategies (Apple/Andorid)
When: Sept. 23, 2021, 11 a.m.
Do you know the pro tips for searching the web?
Using tools like Google search to find information online is not difficult. However, to get the quickest and best results sometimes it can be helpful to access the lesser known search tricks and tips used by professionals. For example, special characters like #, $, -, +, % all have a purpose. Also, leveraging advanced operators with a colon before your search terms can narrow the scope to the information you want.
We have a search workshop designed for both Apple and Android users called, Tech Talks: Search Strategies (Apple/Android). This workshop covers what matters most for good searching (and what doesn’t matter) and shows off the most useful tips and tricks for searching online.
When: Sept. 23, 2021, 11 a.m.
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