For questions, please call the Felton Branch at 831-427-7708!
The Felton Branch now has a Seed Library for anyone to come pick up and donate seeds!
The Seed Library is a green painted recycled dresser located on the right side of the lobby at the Felton Branch.
How it Works:
“Borrow” Seeds: Browse our Seed Library and take as many seeds as you plan to plant. Seeds from the Felton Seed Library are completely free and do not need to be checked out. A library card is not required to take seeds.
Plant seeds: Plant seeds from our library in your garden!
Donate Seeds: Keep our Seed Library going by saving seeds from successful plants in your garden. Drop off cleaned and separated seeds in an envelope or bag with our Felton Seed Library information labels attached. Staff will sort the seeds into labeled envelopes to be added to our collection. The Felton Seed Library also accepts commercially packaged seeds.
Online Resources About Seed Saving:
SCPL Seed Library Brochure
A Guide to Seed Saving, Seed Stewardship & Seed Sovereignty
How to Read A Seed Packet for Beginners
Wet and Dry Seed Saving for Home Use
Books About Seed Saving in Our Catalog:
The resilient gardener : food production and self-reliance in uncertain times / by Carol Deppe.
Seed to seed : seed saving techniques for the vegetable gardener / by Suzanne Ashworth.
The complete guide to saving seeds : 322 vegetables, herbs, flowers, fruits, trees, and shrubs / by Robert Gough and Cheryl Moore-Gough.
Starting and Saving Seeds: grow the perfect vegetables, fruits, herbs, and flowers for your garden / by Julie Thompson-Adolf