The Life Literacies Center provides transformative and equitable programs and services to library users via collaborative engagement with community partners, volunteers, and library staff.
Volunteer Housing Navigators provides housing navigation services for people experiencing homelessness every Tuesday, 11:30-1 in the Life Literacies Center.
The Homeless Garden Project (HGP) and Santa Cruz Public Libraries (SCPL) are partnering together to provide the HGP office hours at the Downtown Santa Cruz Branch Library. The HGP open o...
Wings Homeless Advocates provides office hours inside the Life Literacies Center, located in the Downtown Santa Cruz Library on Thursdays, 10:30am - 12:00pm. Wings provides ...
- County Corrections Facilities - Encompass Downtown Outreach Workers - Healing the Streets - Homeless Garden Project - Housing Matters - Santa Cruz Poetry Project - Wings - Working Together Read more
Are you a part of a community organization that provides social support or tools that nurture lifelong learning? The Life Literacies Center is seeking community partners to collaborate with in thi... Read more
Are you interested in community engagement and to helping to promote the library’s mission to connect, inspire, and inform? If you or anyone you know is interested in participating in transformat... Read more
The Santa Cruz Public Libraries' Community Information Database is a comprehensive database of human service resources available to people in Santa Cruz County. Read more