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Motion Date | Motion # | Res. # | Motion Description |
2024-10-31 | 2024-14 | None | Consent Calendar
A. Approved the August 1, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
B. Accepted and Filed Analysis of Patron Count Data from July to September 2024
C. Accepted and Filed Financial Report for 4th Qtr. FY 2023-2024.
D. Accepted and Filed 1st Qtr. Community Impact Measures for FY 24/25
E. Accepted and Filed 1st Qtr. Incident Report for FY 24/25
F. Accepted and Filed 1st Qtr. Work Plan for FY 24/25
G. Approved the attached lease agreement between the County of Santa Cruz and the Santa Cruz Public Libraries for the Aptos Library facility located at 7695 Soquel Drive, Aptos.
H. Adopted Holiday Closure Schedule 2025
I. Adopted Annual Meeting Schedule 2025
J. Approved the transfer of funds from the FY 25 operating budget to the Downtown Library Opening Day collection project in the amount of $159,335.
K. Approved and amended the FY 25 library operating budget accepting the E-rate revenue in the amount of $93,065.65 and budgeting these funds for use in the library’s technology division.. Vote: UNAN |
2024-10-31 | 2024-15 | None | Adopted the revised Collection Development Policy # with the following amendment: forms will only be accepted from SCPL cardholders who are residents of Santa Cruz County or who can provide proof of current, regular employment in Santa Cruz County.. Vote: UNAN |
2024-06-06 | 2024-12 | 2024-01 | Adopted Resolution #2024-01 and authorized the Board Chairperson to execute the Employment Agreement for the Director of Libraries.. Vote: Unan |
2024-06-06 | 2024-11 | None | Consent Calendar
A. Approved the March 2, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
B. Accepted and Filed Financial Report for 3rd Qtr. FY 2023-2024.
C. Endorsed the MOU between the City of Santa Cruz and the Library
D. Reviewed and Filed the plan for Summer Reading 2024 (p.60-63)
E. Approved FY 24 Budget Adjustment to set aside funds in the amount of $142,426 for the future Downtown Library Branch.. Vote: Unan |
2024-06-06 | 2024-10 | None | Endorsed the Live Oak Annex MOU with the County of Santa Cruz Department of Parks, Open Space, and Cultural Services (County Parks).. Vote: Unan |
2024-06-06 | 2024-13 | None | Approved the Final FY 25 Library Operating Budget.. Vote: Unan |
2024-05-02 | 2024-05 | None | A. Approved the February 8, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes.
B. Accepted and Filed Analysis of Patron Count Data from January through March 2024.
C. Accepted and Filed 3rd Qtr. Community Impact Measures for FY 23/24.
D. Accepted and Filed 3rd Qtr. Incident Report for FY 23/24.
E. Accepted and Filed 3rd Qtr. Work Plan for FY 223/24.
F. Accepted and Filed Library Sales Tax Revenue Update 3rd Qtr. for FY 2023-24.
G. Authorized the Interim Library Director to fly the Pride Flag at Library locations throughout the month of June to commemorate Pride Month.
H. Reviewed and accepted prepared Library Audit – Annual Financial Report for FY 2022
I. Reviewed and accepted prepared Library Audit – Annual Financial Report for FY 2023. Vote: Unan |
2024-05-02 | 2024-06 | None | Endorsed the Library’s Code of Conduct and Administrative Suspension Policy.. Vote: Unan |
2024-05-02 | 2024-07 | None | Accepted staff recommendation to return Capitola Service Hours to six days of service beginning on August 5, 2024 and to explore the concept of the County library fund to make an additional contribution to maintain Capitola and Felton Branches offering Sunday hours.. Vote: Unan |
2024-05-02 | 2024-08 | None | Approved the Final FY 25 Library Operating Budget.. Vote: Unan |
2024-05-02 | 2024-09 | None | Adopted the Resolution and authorized the Board
Chairperson to execute the Employment Agreement for the Director of Libraries.. Vote: Unan |
2024-02-08 | 2024-01 | None | A. Approved the November 9, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes.
B. Accepted and Filed Analysis of Patron Count Data from October through December 2023.
C. Accepted and Filed 2nd Qtr. Community Impact Measures for FY 23/24.
D. Accepted and Filed 2nd Qtr. Financial Report for FY 22/23.
E. Accepted and Filed 2nd Qtr. Incident Report for FY 23/24.
F. Accepted and Filed 2nd Qtr. Work Plan for FY 223/24.
G. Accepted and Filed Annual Financial Report for the FY ended June 30, 2022.
H. Accepted and Amended the FY 24 Library Operating Budget to include a reimbursement from the County of Santa Cruz for the replacement of the Live Oak Library gutter replacement in the amount of $55,480.66.
I. Approved transfer of funds from the Friends of the Santa Cruz Public Libraries to the City of Santa Cruz for the Garfield Park and Branciforte Building Projects in the amount of $462,663.
K. Ended the practice of hybrid meetings for the LJPB meetings and moved to in
person meetings with the live streaming and recorded options. Vote: Unan |
2024-02-08 | 2024-02 | none | Nominated the Calendar year 2024 Board Chair and Vice Chair as the City of Capitola and the City of Santa Cruz respectively. Vote: Unan |
2024-02-08 | 2024-03 | None | For each jurisdiction to appoint someone within their jurisdiction to be responsible for updating LAC information on their jurisdiction’s webpage to include how potential members can apply for a vacancy and the process for filling the vacancy with the addition that the LAC clerk notifies the jurisdictions 3 months ahead of a pending vacancy, or as soon as possible in case an unexpected vacancy occurs. Vote: Unan |
2024-02-08 | 2024-04 | None | Adopted the timeline provided and the actions required for it, in order to complete the cost benefit analysis of administrative services for the Library with those schedules to be moved up which may require a special meeting. Vote: Unan |
2023-11-09 | 2023-13 | None | A. Approved the August 3, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes.
B. Accepted and Filed Analysis of Patron Count Data from July through September 2023.
C. Accepted and Filed 1st Qtr. Community Impact Measures for FY 23/24.
D. Accepted and Filed 4th Qtr. Financial Report for FY 22/23.
E. Accepted and Filed 1st Qtr. Incident Report for FY 23/24.
F. Accepted and Filed 1st Qtr. Work Plan for FY 223/24.
G. Approved 2024 Holiday Closure Schedule.
H. Approved 2024 Annual Meeting Schedule.
I. Accepted and Filed Library Sales Tax Revenue Update for 1st Qtr. FY 23/24.
J. Accepted and Filed Remote Work Policy. Vote: Unan |
2023-11-09 | 2023-14 | None | Awarded a contract for Cost Benefit Analysis for Library Administrative Services to Matrix Consulting Group, LTD., San Mateo, California for a not-to-exceed amount of $100,000, in a form approved by the LJPA Legal Counsel and provide direction for funding the contract. The Professional Services Agreement is included as attachment.. Vote: Unan |
2023-11-09 | 2023-15 | None | Elected Teri Black and Company LLC for the Director of Libraries executive recruitment.. Vote: Unan |
2023-08-03 | 2023-11 | None | A. Approved the June 1, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes.
B. Accepted and Filed Analysis of Patron Count Data from January through June 2023.
C. Accepted and Filed 4th Qtr. Community Impact Measures for FY 2023.
D. Accepted and Filed 4th Qtr. Incident Report for FY 2023.
E. Accepted and Filed 4th Qtr. Work Plan for FY 2023.
F. Accepted and Adopted Updated Policy #312, Statement of Commitment to Racial and Social Equity. Vote: Unan |
2023-08-03 | 2023-12 | None | Approved the attached lease agreements between the County of Santa Cruz and the Santa Cruz Public Libraries for the Live Oak Library facility located at 2380 Portola Drive in Santa Cruz and for the Scotts Valley Library facility located at 251 Kings Village Road in Scotts Valley.. Vote: Unan |
2023-06-01 | 2023-08 | None | A. Approved the May 4, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes.
B. Approved and amended the FY23 & FY24 Operating Budgets to include adjustments made to the annual request for funding from the Friends of the Santa Cruz Libraries.
C. Accepted and amended the FY23 & FY24 Operating Budget to include grant funds awarded to the Friends of the Santa Cruz Public Library in the amount of $50,480 to fund the Recover and Thrive Library Initiative for enhancing learning for Santa Cruz Pre-K through Grade 12 students.
D. Approved transfer of funds from the Friends of the Santa Cruz Library to the County of Santa Cruz for the Aptos Building Project in the amount of $394,000.
E. Accepted and Filed Patron Count Statistics for January to April 2023.
F. Approved the transfer of the Whalen Trust monies in the amount of $3,636.35 and amended the FY23 Operating Budget. This transfer will effectively close the Whalen Fund. Vote: Unan |
2023-06-01 | 2023-09 | None | Accepted and Authorized the Issuance of a Request for Proposal to research and recommend an administrative support model, along with associated costs.. Vote: Unan |
2023-06-01 | 2023-10 | None | Adopted the FY 24 Library Operating Budget. Vote: Unan |
2023-05-04 | 2023-03 | None | A. Approved February 2, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes
B. Accepted and Filed 3rd Qtr. Analysis of Patron Count Data
C. Accepted and Filed 3rd Qtr. Community Impact Measures for FY 2023.
D. Accepted and Filed 3rd Qtr. Incident Report for FY 2023
E. Accepted and Filed 3rd Qtr. Work Plan for FY 2023
F. Accepted and Amended the FY 23 Library Operating Budget to include funds awarded from the California Library Services Act offered through the Pacific Library Partnership in the amount of $13,998.
G. Accepted and Amended the FY 23 Operating Budget to include donations in support of library services and spaces from the Friends of the Santa Cruz Libraries’ various Chapters totaling $10,362.12.
H. Accepted and Amended the FY 23 Library Operating Budget to include payment from the County of Santa Cruz for the Library’s support with the In Home Supportive Services (IHSS) workshops, in the amount of $10,250.
I. Approved Naming Rights Gift Agreements for Garfield Park Branch Library and Amended the FY 23 Library Operating Budget in the amount of $5,000.
J. Amended the FY 23 Library Operating Budget to increase professional services for legal services in the amount of $60K.
K. Accepted and Adopted updated Policy #360 Circulation.
L. Accepted and Filed Library Sales Tax Revenue Update for 3rd Qtr. FY 2022-23.. Vote: Unan |
2023-05-04 | 2023-04 | None | Reviewed and approved the FY 2024 Strategic Communications Plan.. Vote: Unan |
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