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Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

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Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
2014-07-07 2014-37 That the Board direct the Library Director to reach out to the City administrators and the designees to discuss the specific issues involved in the JPA and CFD formations and bring them back to the next regular meeting in August. .

Vote: UNAN; Absent McPherson, Termini, Dexter
2014-06-02 2014-23 2014-008 That the Board approve the Consent Agenda of June 2, 2014 items B-D as one item: A: approval of the minutes of May 5, 2014, was postponed to the July 7, 2014 meeting. B: Receive monthly narrative and statistical reports. C: Adopt the system wide 2014 holiday closure schedule. D: Resolutions to transfer and appropriate funds from the Utter Trust for books and materials for FY 2013/14 (Resolution # 2014-008).

Vote: UNAN; Absent: Friend, McPherson, Reed
2014-06-02 2014-24A 2014-005 That the Board approve the resolution for a 5 year lease in FY 14 for the lease-purchase agreement for multifunctional copies for each branch for public use for the next five years and accept the total price of the purchase lease agreement in the amount of $139,409.68 and that it amend the FY 2013/14 Budget. (Resolution #2014-005).

Vote: UNAN; Absent: Friend, McPherson, Reed
2014-06-02 2014-24B 2014-006 ... and that the Board approve full payment of $139,409.68 for the copiers in FY 14 using savings from Building Repairs. (Resolutions #2014-006).

Vote: UNAN; Absent: Friend, McPherson, Reed
2014-06-02 2014-25 2014-004 That the Board approve the FY 2014-2015 Library Budget as presented. (Resolution #2014-004).

Vote: UNAN; Absent: Friend, McPherson, Reed
2014-06-02 2014-26 That the Board accept the report and that the Board expect the Director to work with the administrators group, Bond and City counsels and to come back with the most straightforward mechanism in performing the CFD that ensures oversight by the entities involved. .

Vote: UNAN; Absent: Friend, McPherson, Reed
2014-06-02 2014-27 That the Board ask the Chair to appoint a new time-limited FMP committee staffed by library staff with the jurisdictions welcome to send representatives as observers. This committee is to work with our staff and appropriate consultants to focus on the following issues and to return to the JPA for action as recommendations are ready: the scope of the improvements over the anticipated three year time line; the financial coordination and oversight for the facilities revenue; and the coordinated construction management of the projects. It is the Board's intent that the new time-limited FMP committee be a Brown Act committee. .

Vote: UNAN; Absent: Friend, McPherson, Reed
2014-05-05 2014-19 "That the Board do the following: 1. Accept to change the general fund contribution formulas for the cities of Santa Cruz and Watsonville. 2. Accept that the City of Santa Cruz will conduct a study of the administrative service charges and agrees to provide those services on an ""at cost"" basis rather than the current 5.5% of expenses, with periodic review to ensure rates remain current. 3. Maintain the home authority of Library staff with the City of Santa Cruz for the remainder of the Library Joint Powers Agreement. 4. That the Library Financing Authority be the Joint Powers Authority that sponsors the ballot initiative and creates the Community Facilities District. ".

Vote: Ayes: Friend, McPherson, Mathews, Reed, Termini, Terrazas, Dexter; Nayes: Mosher
2014-05-05 2014-20 That the Board recommend proposing the ballot initiative to be set at $63 million for the 10 branch system and that the CCAC return with their final JPA recommendations in one month (June 2014). .

Vote: UNAN
2014-05-05 2014-21 Sean Campbell was nominated as new Citizen Member. The following votes were cast for the following citizen member nominees: Cindy Jackson: Friend, McPherson and Mosher Sean Campbell: Dexter, Mathews, Reed, Termini, Terrazas .

Vote: Ayes:Dexter, Mathews, Reed, Termini, Terrazas; Nayes: Friend, McPherson, Mosher
2014-05-05 2014-22 That the Board approve the proposed FY 15 Draft Budget for the Library..

Vote: UNAN
2014-04-07 2014-16 That the Board authorize the Library Director and Chair to send a letter on behalf of the LJPB in support of SB 1455 and the State Budget Item #6120-215-0001.

Vote: UNAN
2014-04-07 2014-17 That the Board authorize the Library Director to enter into an agreement with Bibliotheca for a systemwide self-check upgrade according to Option E for a total cost of $265,417. .

Vote: UNAN
2014-04-07 2014-18 That it is the general intention of the JPA that in the process of Library governance transition, library employees be kept whole in terms of contracts and compensation allowing for time and flexibility to work out the details as feasible. .

Vote: UNAN
2014-03-03 2014-08 2014-002 That the Board authorize the transfer of $10,000 from the Whalen Trust and that it amend the FY 2013-2014 Budget. (Resolution # 2014-002) .

Vote: UNAN; Absent: English
2014-03-03 2014-09 2014-003 That the Board commends 22 individuals for their exemplary service to the Library System and expresses gratitude and appreciation for their service. (Resolution # 2014-003) .

Vote: UNAN, Absent: English
2014-03-03 2014-11 That the Board approve the Consent Agenda of March 3, 2014 pulling item 7A for further discussion. .

Vote: UNAN; Absent: English
2014-03-03 2014-12 "That the Board approve the Minutes of February 10, 2014 with the following change on page 9: ""Input"" was given ... instead of ""Direction"" was given. ".

Vote: UNAN; Absent: English
2014-03-03 2014-13 That the Board appoint Councilmember Terrazas as Chair..

Vote: UNAN; Absent: English
2014-03-03 2014-14 That the Board appoint Councilmember Termini as Vice-Chair..

Vote: UNAN; Absent: English
2014-03-03 2014-15 That the LJPB direct the Library Director to draft letters for signature by the Chair of the LJPB to go to all local jurisdictions asking that in the future limitations on sales or activities related to controlled substances near schools be applied equally to public libraries. .

Vote: AYES: Mathews, Termini, Terrazas, Friend, Mosher, Dexter; NAYES: McPherson, Reed; ABSENT: English
2014-02-10 2014-04 That the Board approve to open all facilities at 1pm on Wednesday April 9, 2014.

Vote: UNAN; Absent: English
2014-02-10 2014-05 That the Board approve Pet Items for Fines, May 12-25, 2014.

Vote: UNAN; Absent: English
2014-02-10 2014-06 That the Board approve $12,000 for additional temporary help for the LIT Divsion; $160,000 for self-check upgrade and $20,000 for a poll related to the implementation of the FMP. .

Vote: UNAN; Absent: English
2014-02-10 2014-07 That the Board direct the Library Director to represent the Board's preference for Option 1 for the JPA governance model which would include separately a citizen participation advisory component; that the Board is not interested in pursuing the Pacific Station Project; that the Board is focused on fulfilling the FMP that brings our branches to 21st century standards; to return with a calendar that incorporates master plan issues, election timeline and evolution of the governance and financing discussions; and to deal with the issue of communication between the governing bodies with the various jurisdictions. .

Vote: UNAN, Absent: English

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