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Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

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Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
2014-10-06 2014-49 2014-013 That the Board approve the following Consent Agenda of October 6, 2014: Approve Minutes of September 8, 2014 Receive monthly narrative report Receive monthly performance measures Resolution to accept LSTA grant funds in the amount of $5,000 (Resolution # 2014-013) Accept annual training report Amend Library Conflict of Interest Code .

Vote: UNAN; Abstain from item A: Friend
2014-10-06 2014-50 That the Board approve the new Interlibrary Loan Policy #320..

Vote: UNAN
2014-10-06 2014-51 That the recommended action with the additional direction that there be clarity that the goal is to provide what is minimum outlined in the Facilities Master Plan and that under the Felton list we eliminate the minimum 7,500 square feet instead set a target of 9,300 square feet as indicated in the plan and use the same language for Aptos target 11,000 square feet as recommended in the FMP and Capitola target 11,000-12,000. .

Vote: UNAN
2014-10-06 2014-52 That the Board direct Library Director Landers to finalize the Facilities Financing JPA agreement, including the requirement for an amendment or MOU regarding specific allocations and scope of work for the various branches before an election can be called. She is further directed to bring that back to the LJPB at a special meeting to be held Monday, October 27 at 6:30pm at the Downtown Library; after which, should the LJPB approve the version presented, it will be forwarded to the jurisdictions for approval by the respective legislative bodies. .

Vote: Ayes: Mathews, Reed, Termini, Terrazas, Campbell, Dexter; Nayes: Friend, McPherson, Mosher
2014-09-08 2014-46A 2014-011 Consent Agenda: A. Approve Minutes of July 28, 2014 B. Approve Minutes of August 4, 2014 C. Receive Monthly Narrative Report D. Receive update on Public Education and Outreach Campaign E. Motion to approve a contract for a Structural Study of the Downtown Library with Fratessa, Forbes, Wong and authorizing and directing the Library Director to execute the agreement in a form acceptable to the City attorney. (Resolution #2014-011) F. Motion to approve a Hazmat Study of the Downtown Library with Protech Consulting and Engineering and authorizing and directing the Library Director to execute the agreement in a form acceptable to the City attorney. (Resolution # 2014-012) G. Approve revised policies: i. Gift Policy: Works of Art for Public Display. ii. Display Policy: Bulletin Boards, and the Display Cases and Wall-Mounted Exhibits. H. Receive update on Temporary Relocation Costs for Downtown Library..

Vote: UNAN; Absent; Friend, Campbell; Abstain from item A and B: Leopold
2014-09-08 2014-47 In the interest of moving forward to meet the deadlines for the creation of the CFD and calling the election that the Board distribute the revised draft agreement to all the jurisdictions, ask them to respond by the end of this week with their request for clarification, changes, concerns, etc. Once the Director has received those communications that she prepare a revised agreement to the satisfactions of the four jurisdictional administrators and that it will come back to the Board for review at the next meeting or possibly a special meeting. It assumes and clarifies that the other outstanding issues, including which projects are covered, and how much the bond is going to be for and the revision of the financing arrangements will be resolved through an amendment to the CFD that is being set up. .

Vote: UNAN; Absent; Friend, Campbell
2014-09-08 2014-48 That the Board 1) Adopt the delineation of roles and responsibilities as described. 2) Adopt the broader approach for both furniture and signage standards and recommends contracts for both be brought to the Board for approval by December 2014. 3) Recommend that the jurisdictions work collaboratively to select one vendor for building security (if a system is desired), in order to provide the Library with the most efficient system to maintain. .

Vote: UNAN; Absent; Friend, Campbell
2014-09-08 2014-46B 2014-012 SEE: MOTION 2014-46..

Vote: UNAN
2014-08-04 2014-38 2014-009 That the Board approve appropriation of $93,000 of Leet-Corday Trust monies to support advance planning of the Downtown Branch (Resolution #2014-009) .

Vote: UNAN; Absent: Campbell, Mosher
2014-08-04 2014-39 That the Board approve removal of Internet Use fee. .

Vote: UNAN; Absent: Campbell, Mosher
2014-08-04 2014-40 2014-010 That the Board approve resolution and contract for $77,500 with Miller Maxfield Communications for public outreach and education. (Resolution #2014-010).

Vote: UNAN; Absent: Campbell, Mosher
2014-08-04 2014-41 That the Board direct the Library Director to come back to the FMP Subcommittee with figures in time to present information to the next LJPB meeting so that at that time the Board can allocate funds for the additional structural analysis for the Downtown Branch as described and to conduct a necessary HAZMAT assessment for the Downtown Branch. .

Vote: UNAN; Absent: Campbell, Mosher
2014-08-04 2014-42 That the Board direct the Library Director to develop a tentative plan for temporary relocation of the Downtown Library including moving costs, rent/lease costs, and other relocation related expenses. .

Vote: UNAN; Absent: Campbell, Mosher
2014-08-04 2014-43 That the Board direct the Library Director to bring back options to the LJPB for developing common design standards to be used for all projects as well as opportunities for cooperative/coordinated purchasing. This information we hope to have for the upcoming FMP Subcommitte so that it can be brought to the full Board for action including a schedule for carrying out the work selected. .

Vote: UNAN; Absent: Campbell, Mosher
2014-08-04 2014-44 That the Board encourage each jurisdiction to do what it can for pre-planning its projects recognizing it is the responsibility of each jurisdiction to fund this advance planning on their own through available trust funds, jurisdictional general funds and other sources without expectation of reimbursement. .

Vote: UNAN; Absent: Campbell, Mosher
2014-08-04 2014-45 That the Board instruct the Library Director to work with the FMP Subcommittee to start defining a package of minimum deliverables for each branch and the jurisdictions that oversee them. .

Vote: UNAN; Absent: Campbell, Mosher
2014-07-07 2014-28 That the Board approve the Agenda of July 7, 2014 moving item 13 up to item 3.5. .

Vote: UNAN; Absent McPherson, Termini, Dexter
2014-07-07 2014-29 "That the Board approve the Consent Agenda of July 7, 2014 separately and A: Direct library staff to listen to the audio recording of the May 5th minutes and address the use of the word ""adopt"" in the first line. ".

Vote: UNAN; Absent McPherson, Termini, Dexter; Abstain: Norton
2014-07-07 2014-30 That the Board approve the Consent Agenda of July 7, 2014 B: approve the minutes of June 2, 2014 with the following spelling correction on page 11: Accept Facilities Master Plan. And the following amendment: that the minutes be revised to indicate the intent that the new time-limited FMP committee be a Brown Act committee. .

Vote: UNAN; Absent: McPherson, Termini, Dexter; Abstain: Friend, Norton
2014-07-07 2014-31 That the Board approve the Consent Agenda of July 7, 2014 C: Receive monthly narrative and statistical reports. .

Vote: UNAN; Absent McPherson, Termini, Dexter
2014-07-07 2014-32 That the Board schedule a study session with Group4 Architecture, Research and Planning and the Library Director with the purpose of better understanding exactly what the target of $63 million will buy for each facility and the value of establishing 21st Century library design standards..

Vote: UNAN; Absent McPherson, Termini, Dexter
2014-07-07 2014-33 That the Board agree when the measure passes, the CFD will issue the bonds. At that time, the CFD will distribute the funds to each jurisdiction for the projects that will be explicitly described in the CFD agreement. Each jurisdiction will be expected to build what is described and will be required to do so in close consultation with a designated Library liaison and with each other in order to achieve maximum efficiencies in purchasing and economies of scale, wherever possible. The final decisions rest in the hands of the prospective jurisdictions. .

Vote: UNAN; Absent McPherson, Termini, Dexter
2014-07-07 2014-34 That the Board affirm the approach to project planning prior to the election: each jurisdiction individually. Prior to the passage of the revenue measure the funding for that would come either from trust funds or separately designated funds by the jurisdictions. .

Vote: UNAN; Absent McPherson, Termini, Dexter
2014-07-07 2014-35 That the Board direct Director Landers to continue the process of contracting for a consultant to advise on public outreach and education and to bring a draft contract to the August 4 meeting for approval by the LJPB. .

Vote: UNAN; Absent McPherson, Termini, Dexter
2014-07-07 2014-36 That the Board direct the Library Director to proceed with option #5 as described (form a new JPA of the four jurisdictions for the sole purpose of forming a CFD, imposing the special tax and issuing the bonds and then directly form the CFD). .

Vote: UNAN; Absent McPherson, Termini, Dexter

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