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Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

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Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
2015-04-06 2015-22 2015-008 That the Board accept donation monies in the amount of $1,470.60 from the California Library Association in order to help with the costs of Summer Reading and that it amend the FY 14/15 Budget. .

Vote: UNAN
2015-03-09 2015-12 That the Board approve the following Consent Agenda: A. Approve Minutes of February 2, 2015 B. Receive monthly narrative report for February 2015 C. Receive monthly performance measures for January 2015 and Quarterly for October-December 2014 D. Receive monthly financial snapshots for January 2015 Items E. and F. pulled for further discussion: E. Affirm Benefactor Recognition Policy #401 F. Approve resolution to change vacant Building Maintenance Worker II position to a Building Maintenance Worker I and to use the salary savings to create a .5 Administrative Assistant II position in the Programs and Partnerships Division. .

Vote: UNAN; Abstain from item A: Terrazas
2015-03-09 2015-13 That the Board continue Consent Agenda item # F: Approve resolution to change vacant Building Maintenance Worker II position to a Building Maintenance Worker I and to use the salary savings to create a .5 Administrative Assistant II position in the Programs and Partnerships Division. .

Vote: UNAN
2015-03-09 2015-14 That the Board give direction to pursue the budget proposal outlined by staff which includes the three staffing increases; minor increase in landscaping costs; the one-time requests which include preparing for the election poll in January 2016 and cost of conducting an election in June 2016; preparing for the new director and resolving the new Governance and the MOE. .

Vote: Ayes: Terrazas, Friend,Termini, Dexter, Reed, Mathews; Nayes: Campbell, McPherson, Mosher
2015-03-09 2015-15 That the Board accept the report (Update on 5.5% Administrative Services fee)..

Vote: UNAN
2015-03-09 2015-16 That the Board accept the report and support the direction outlined in the report and the additional direction provided (on Governance Subcommittee recommendations for revising the LJPA Agreement). .

Vote: UNAN
2015-03-09 2015-17 That the Board affirm the decision to contribute $2,500 from the McCaskill Local History Trust to the Campaign to create a memorial marker commemorating the East Side Library. .

Vote: UNAN
2015-02-02 2015-05A That the Board approve the following Consent Agenda: A. Approve Minutes of January 12, 2015 B. Receive monthly narrative report for January 2015 C. Receive monthly performance measures for December 2014 D. Receive monthly financial snapshots for December 2014 E. Approve revised Alcohol and Beverages Policy #101.

Vote: UNAN; Absent: Terrazas; Abstain from item A: Mosher
2015-02-02 2015-05B 2015-004 That the Board approve the following Consent Agenda Item F: Adopt Resolution to accept grant funds from the Pacific Library Partnership in the amount of $15,000 to create a Mobile 3D Learning Lab. (Res.#2015-004).

Vote: UNAN; Absent: Terrazas
2015-02-02 2015-05C 2015-005 That the Board approve the following Consent Agenda Item # G: Adopt Resolution to accept grant funds from the Pacific Library Partnership for $8,656.41 to help reinstate Interlibrary Loan. (Res. #2015-005).

Vote: UNAN; Absent: Terrazas
2015-02-02 2015-05D 2015-006 That the Board approve the following Consent Agenda Item #H: Adopt Resolution to transfer $70,000 from Vehicle Replacement Fund to Library Operating Budget for scheduled purchase of two vehicles. (Res.# 2015-006).

Vote: UNAN; Absent: Terrazas
2015-02-02 2015-06 That the Board accept the FY 13/14 Year End Financial Report. .

Vote: UNAN; Absent: Terrazas
2015-02-02 2015-07 2015-002 That the Board accept the report on 14/15 Mid Fiscal Year and adopt the resolution for two mid-year supplemental appropriations for $10,500 for three special events and for staff development. (Res.# 2015-002) .

Vote: UNAN; Absent: Terrazas
2015-02-02 2015-08 That the Board accept the report and direct the Library Director to prepare a draft budget for the May meeting with adoption of the final budget at the June meeting and that the Finance Subcommittee review the draft before the budget is finalized. .

Vote: UNAN; Absent: Terrazas
2015-02-02 2015-09 That the Board authorize the Library Director to execute contract amendment in the amount of $61,500, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with Miller/Maxfield Inc. (Santa Cruz, CA) for a continuation of community outreach and public education services. .

Vote: UNAN; Absent: Terrazas
2015-02-02 2015-10 That the Board elect Councilmember Termini as Chair and Citizen Member Dexter as Vice Chair. .

Vote: UNAN; Absent: Terrazas
2015-02-02 2015-11 That the Board instruct staff to determine current cost of legal representation - i.e. the percentage of the service contract paid to the City of Santa Cruz that is dedicated to legal representation as well as a range of routine legal services that the office does provide - and report back to the Board. .

Vote: UNAN; Absent: Terrazas
2015-01-12 2015-01A 2015-001 That the Board approve the following Consent Agenda of January 12, 2015: A. Approve Minutes of November 10, December 8 and December 16, 2014 B. Receive monthly narrative reports for November and December 2014 C. Receive monthly performance measures for October and November 2014 and revised reports for July-September 2014 D. Receive monthly financial snapshots for October and November 2014 E. Approve revisions to Internet Use Policy 317 (Res. #2015-001) F. Accept LSTA grant for $3000 for Book to Action Program (Res.# 2015-003).

Vote: UNAN; Absent: Mosher
2015-01-12 2015-01B 2015-003 Consent Agenda item F: Accept LSTA grant for $3,000 for Book to Action Program.

Vote: UNAN; Absent: Mosher
2015-01-12 2015-02 That the Board adopt the Conflict of Interest Policy as presented. .

Vote: UNAN; Absent: Mosher
2015-01-12 2015-03 That the Board authorize Director Landers to engage a consultant familiar with this process not to exceed the amount of $7,500 and to have this work completed in March. .

Vote: UNAN; Absent: Mosher
2015-01-12 2015-04 That the Board establish a Board committee: one Board member from Scotts Valley, Capitola, the City of Santa Cruz and Santa Cruz County to meet for 3-6 months to finalize governance options. The committee will be in compliance with Brown Act guidelines. .

Vote: UNAN; Absent: Mosher
2014-11-10 2014-55 That the Board approve the following Consent Agenda: A. Approve minutes of October 6 and October 27, 2014. B. Receive monthly narrative report. C. Receive monthly and quarterly performance measures (with revised page 22 presented as handout) D. Receive monthly financial report for August and September 2014. E. Approve Board meeting calendar for 2015. .

Vote: UNAN; Abstainf from item A: Friend; Absent: Campbell, Dexter
2014-10-27 2014-53 2014-014 That the Board approve the following Consent Agenda of October 27, 2014 A. That the Board authorize the Library Director to enter into a contract with Anderson Brule Architects, Inc., in a form approved by the City Attorney, for the development of furniture, signage and shelving standards for an amount not to exceed $30,830. (Resolution #2014-014) .

Vote: UNAN; Absent: Friend
2014-10-27 2014-54 That the Board approve the Facilities Financing Authority JPA Agreement and recommend approval by each jurisdiction with the addition of condition that the County not charge for the administration of the parcel tax. .

Vote: UNAN; Absent: Friend

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