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Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

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Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
2012-02-06 2012-04 2012-03 That the Board revise the FY 2011-2012 Budget to increase expenditures by $118,500. Reso#03.

Vote: UNAN Absent: Pirie
2012-02-06 2012-05 That the Board affirm the priorities and provide direction for the preparation of the FY 2012/13 Budget .

Vote: UNAN Absent: Pirie
2012-02-06 2012-06 That the Board nominate Councilmember Storey as Chair.

Vote: UNAN Absent: Pirie
2012-02-06 2012-07 That the Board nominate Citizenmember Poitinger as Vice-Chair .

Vote: UNAN Absent: Pirie
2012-01-09 2012-01 2012-01 That the Board approve the acceptance of the $12,269 pecuniary gift from the Estate of James Morton Morley and that it amend the FY 2011-12 Budget. Reso# 01.

Vote: UNAN
2012-01-09 2012-02 2012-02 That the Board approve the acceptance of the $70,000 pecuniary gift from the Dorothy A. Hale Trust and that it amend the FY 2011-12 Budget. Reso# 02.

Vote: UNAN
2012-01-09 2012-03 That the Board approve the Library Information Technology Reclassification..

Vote: UNAN
2011-12-05 2011-33 That the Board accept the Library Audit. .

Vote: UNAN Absent: Terrazas,Reed
2011-12-05 2011-34 That the Board approve the formation of a study session on January 23, 2012 (or the next appropriate date) to look at lease background information, short term issues in each branch and generally other systems' facilities plans to see where we might go with ours and also review our current facilities plan. .

Vote: UNAN Absent: Terrazas
2011-12-05 2011-35 That the Board approve special hours for Saturday, December 24 and Saturday, December 31 as indicated in the Christmas and New Year's Eves Early Closure. .

Vote: UNAN Absent: Terrazas,Reed
2011-12-05 2011-36 That the Board approve the Revised Meeting Room Use policy. .

Vote: UNAN Absent: Terrazas,Reed
2011-11-07 2011-32 That the Board approve the Performance indicators. .

Vote: UNAN Absent: Storey
2011-10-03 2011-24 That the Board table Agenda Item 10E until November. The motion did not pass .

Vote: Ayes: Gerdt, Beiers, Stone, Storey, Nayes: Pirie, Gorson, Poitinger, Reed, Terrazas
2011-10-03 2011-25 That the Board approve the recommendation and direct staff to continue to meet with the unions, to look for ways to mitigate the impact on employees wherever possible and to bring back any ideas to the Board that will accomplish that goal and require the Board's approval..

Vote: Ayes:Pirie, Gorson, Beiers, Poitinger, Reed,Terrazas, Nayes: Gerdt, Stone, Storey
2011-10-03 2011-26 That the Board accept the Annual training report and plan. .

Vote: UNAN
2011-10-03 2011-27 That the Board accept the Display policy.

Vote: UNAN
2011-10-03 2011-28 That the Board approve to close the Library Saturday, October 22 through Monday, October 24 for the migration to the new ILS. .

Vote: UNAN
2011-10-03 2011-29 That the Board adopt the hours as presented to start on January 2, 2012 contingent on the successful adoption of the transition plan. .

Vote: UNAN
2011-10-03 2011-30 That the Board adopt the system wide 2011 holiday closure schedule. .

Vote: UNAN
2011-10-03 2011-31 That the Board authorize a maximum allocation of $54,675 to pay for unexpected emergency capital needs as recommended by the LJPB Finance Subcommittee. .

Vote: UNAN
2011-09-12 2011-21 That the Board approve the Hours beginning January 3, 2012 as presented with direction given to Director Landers to explore options for Felton. .

Vote: UNAN
2011-09-12 2011-22 That the Board table proceeding with a RFP for a Facilities Master Plan for three months (until December 2011)..

Vote: UNAN
2011-09-12 2011-23 That the Board approve the Performance Indicators with the addition of a Staff Turnover Rate and the removal of the Average Number of Volunteer Hours by Age Group. .

Vote: UNAN
2011-07-11 2011-13 that the Board adopt the Library Meeting room policy as presented effective Sept.1, 2011. Staff will notify those who are impacted by the new policy for meeting room dates already booked in the future. .

Vote: UNAN Absent: Pirie, Stone
2011-07-11 2011-14 that the Board approve the cancellation of the August Board Meeting. .

Vote: UNAN Absent: Pirie, Stone

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