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Library Joint Powers Authority Motion Logs

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Motion Date Motion # Res. # Motion Description
2012-06-11 2012-36 2012-12 That the LJPB authorize the transfer of #27,500 from the Whalen Trust, and that it amend the FY 2011-2012 Budget. (Resolution #2012-12) .

Vote: UNAN, Absent: English and Poitinger
2012-06-11 2012-37 2012-11 That the Library Joint Powers Authority Board increase the FTE for the following positions: (Resolution #2012-11) Position # Position Title Previous FTE New FTE 282-002 Library Assistant I .75 1.00 282-001 Library Assistant I .75 1.00 283-013 Library Assistant II .625 1.00 283-017 Library Assistant II .625 .75 283-020 Library Assistant II .50 .625 283-012 Library Assistant II .75 .80 283-022 Library Assistant II .50 .625 283-025 Library Assistant II .50 .625 283-023 Library Assistant II .50 .625 283-024 Library Assistant II .50 .625 283-016 Library Assistant II .625 .80 283-019 Library Assistant II .625 .80 283-014 Library Assistant II .625 .80 283-009 Library Assistant II .75 1.00 283-015 Library Assistant II .625 1.00 283-018 Library Assistant II .625 .75 283-021 Library Assistant II .50 .625 284-002 BKM Library Asst. II .50 .725 285-004 Information Specialist .75 1.00 363-005 Library Assistant III .75 1.00 363-004 Library Assistant III .75 1.00 750-014 Librarian II .75 1.00 363-xxx Library Assistant III 1.00 283-xxx Library Assistant II .55 283-xxx Library Assistant II .50 283-xxx Library Assistant II .50 .

Vote: UNAN, Absent: English and Poitinger
2012-05-07 2012-28 That the Board approve the preparation of the FY 2012/13 Budget with staffing for remediation and achieving open hours for all branches at a minimum of 90% of the hours set as a goal in April 2011. AMENDMENT: Should the County change the RDA allocation method, the Board Chair shall consult with the Library Director to recommend budget revisions as deemed appropriate. .

Vote: UNAN
2012-05-07 2012-29 That the Board approve the immediate implementation of 3 short term measures (fixes): 1. Using Library Aides instead of volunteers. 2. Hire temporary help at the Library Assistant I level. 3. Authorize additional substitute hours to cover Library Assistant II off desk time in the branches and for Programming and Reference Staff. .

Vote: UNAN
2012-05-07 2012-30 That the Board approve moving the next Board meeting to June 11, 2012. .

Vote: UNAN
2012-04-09 2012-18 That the LJPB approve the amendment to the by-laws; eliminating Article IX Section 2 and renumbering sections accordingly..

Vote: Ayes: Pirie, Terrazas, Gerdt, Poitinger, Beiers, Storey, English Absent: Stone Abstain: Johnson
2012-04-09 2012-19 That the LJPB approve the Internet Use Policy..

Vote: Ayes: Pirie, Terrazas, Gerdt, Poitinger, Beiers, Storey, English Absent: Stone Abstain: Johnson
2012-04-09 2012-20 2012-05 That the LJPB approve Resolution #2012-05 to accept the $2,747.81 from the Whalen Trust signifying the final administrative order of the trust, and that it amend the FY 2011-2012 Budget. .

Vote: Ayes: Pirie, Terrazas, Gerdt, Poitinger, Beiers, Storey, English Absent: Stone Abstain: Johnson
2012-04-09 2012-21 2012-06 That the LJPB approve Resolution #2012-06 to authorize the transfer of $20,000 from the Whalen Trust, and that it amend the FY 2011-2012 Budget. .

Vote: Ayes: Pirie, Terrazas, Gerdt, Poitinger, Beiers, Storey, English Absent: Stone Abstain: Johnson
2012-04-09 2012-22 2012-07 That the LJPB approve Resolution #2012-07 to accept the grant for $4,800 received for the LSTA: Let's Play Program and that it amend the FY 2011-2012 Budget..

Vote: Ayes: Pirie, Terrazas, Gerdt, Poitinger, Beiers, Storey, English Absent: Stone Abstain: Johnson
2012-04-09 2012-23 2012-08 That the LJPB approve Resolution #2012-08 to accept the grant for $4,995 received for the LSTA: San Lorenzo Valley History Preservation and Digitization project and that it amend the FY 2011-2012 Budget..

Vote: Ayes: Pirie, Terrazas, Gerdt, Poitinger, Beiers, Storey, English Absent: Stone Abstain: Johnson
2012-04-09 2012-24 2012-09 That the LJPB approve Resolution #2012-09 that $20,000 from the Dorothy Hale Trust income be transferred and appropriated to the FY 2011-2012 Budget for the purchase of library materials for this purpose..

Vote: Ayes: Pirie, Terrazas, Gerdt, Poitinger, Beiers, Storey, English Absent: Stone Abstain: Johnson
2012-04-09 2012-25 2012-10 That the LJPB approve #2012-10 to make the following changes in personnel: Increase Hours for: 101-005 Account Clerk I from .5 FTE to .75 FTE; 106-008 Admin. Assistant II from .5 FTE to .65 FTE; 106-009 Admin. Assistant II from .75 FTE to .90 FTE; eliminate 102-009 Account Clerk II 1.0 FTE; add 101-xxx Account Clerk I .5 FTE. .

Vote: Ayes: Pirie, Terrazas, Gerdt, Poitinger, Beiers, Storey, English Absent: Stone Abstain: Johnson
2012-04-09 2012-26 That the Board request staff to act on the following items and to present the findings at the next meeting: The cost of replacing the critical shift operational volunteers with library aides. Details on the cost of "fixing" what is not working well with the new model. Three specific things that could be done to alleviate pressure points immediately. The cost to increase hours to 80% and 90% of the "full" goal hours including the cost of remediation. What other fixes are needed such as in the areas of technology and short term facility improvements and what would these cost. .

Vote: UNAN Absent: Stone
2012-04-09 2012-27 That the Board add the request to move the LJPB meeting from May 7 to May 14 to the Agenda. .

Vote: UNAN Absent: Stone
2012-03-05 2012-08 That the Board amend the Library Conflict of Interest to delete and add Library staff positions in accordance to the new library organization that went into affect January 1st..

Vote: UNAN
2012-03-05 2012-09 That the Board approve the Food for Fines initiative for National Library week, April 8-14, 2012.

Vote: UNAN
2012-03-05 2012-10 2012-04 That the Board Approve Resolution to appropriate emergency funds. Reso#04.

Vote: UNAN
2012-03-05 2012-11 That the Board Approve Benefactor Recognition Policy with no revisions..

Vote: UNAN
2012-03-05 2012-12 That the Board provide direction on how to proceed with developing leases for branch facilities..

Vote: UNAN
2012-03-05 2012-13 That the Board eliminate the $2.50 charge for not picking up holds; effective immediately..

Vote: UNAN
2012-03-05 2012-14 That the Board postpone a decision on the issues presented on the preliminary FY 12/13 budget. Staff is directed to present a detailed report on the volunteer situation as well as a detailed analysis of the proposed changes and the resulting financial implications involved at the next LJPB meeting. .

Vote: AYES:Pirie,Gerdt,English,Beiers,Poitinger,Reed,Stone,Storey Naye:Terrazas
2012-03-05 2012-15 That the Board authorize the preparation of an RFP for a Facilities Improvement Plan with the scope as described..

Vote: AYES:Pirie,Gerdt,English, Beiers,Poitinger,Reed,Terrazas,Stone Naye: Storey
2012-03-05 2012-16 That the Board agree to place the by-laws amendment on the next agenda for formal approval..

Vote: UNAN
2012-03-05 2012-17 That the approves the change of date of next meeting to April 9, 2012 due to Spring Break.

Vote: UNAN

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